District Plan - Plan Change 2 - Pukehāngi Heights
Consultation has concluded

In recognition of the need for additional residentially zoned land, Rotorua Lakes Council has been working with land owners within the Pukehāngi Heights Area to develop a plan change that is intended to facilitate residential and rural residential development.
The Minister has approved the rezoning of the land and the plan change provisions.
More information on the plan change is provided here
Please note, before housing can occur within this area additional work in relation to stormwater needs to be completed, a discharge consent sought from the regional council and subdivisions approved by the district council.
In recognition of the need for additional residentially zoned land, Rotorua Lakes Council has been working with land owners within the Pukehāngi Heights Area to develop a plan change that is intended to facilitate residential and rural residential development.
The Minister has approved the rezoning of the land and the plan change provisions.
More information on the plan change is provided here
Please note, before housing can occur within this area additional work in relation to stormwater needs to be completed, a discharge consent sought from the regional council and subdivisions approved by the district council.
Plan Change Approved!
The Minister for the Environment, the Hon David Parker, has approved the plan change.
The plan change will become operative as of 27th March 2021.
Key Documents
Final Report from Hearing Commissioners to the Minister
The final step under the Ministers Direction for the Pukehangi Heights Plan Change is the provision of the final report from the Hearing Commissioners to the Minister, along with all other documents required by clause 83(1) of the Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act (RMA).
Information Requirements Relevant Documents
The proposed planning instrument
A summary of the written submissions
A report showing how submissions have been considered and any modifications made to the proposed planning instrument in light of submissions
The evaluation reports required under sections 32 and 32AA Note, the Final Report from the Hearing Commissioners includes the evaluation required under Section 32AA (paragraphs 35 - 37) A summary document showing how the Council has had regard to the statement of expectations (paragraphs 15 - 20) A summary document showing how the proposed planning instrument complies with the requirements of any relevant national direction and the RMA or any regulations made under it. - Final Report from Hearing Commissioners (paragraphs 15 - 20)
- Council's Planning Report
- Original Application for Use of Streamlined Planning Process
Any other information and documentation specified in the direction. No additional information or documentation required. Meeting the Minister's Statement of Expectations The following additional information was submitted to MfE on the 22nd January 2021
Comments Received on Hearing Commissioner's Draft Report Recommendations
The following comments have been received:
- Hunt Family feedback on Draft Recommendations Report
- Hunt Family amendments on Appendix 2 Pukehangi Height's Draft Provisions
- Rotorua Lakes Council Memorandum of Counsel
- Rotorua Lakes Council's comments on Draft Recommendations Report
- Rotorua Lakes Council's comments on Appendix 2 Pukehangi Height's Draft Provisions
- Rotorua Lakes Council's Summary Table
- Bay of Plenty Regional Council's (BOPRC) comments on Draft Recommendations Report and Appendix 2 Draft Provisions
- Matipo Avenue Resident's Incorporated Society's (MARIS) feedback on Draft Recommendations Report and Provisions
- Rotorua District Residents and Ratepayers Association (RDRRA) feedback on Draft Recommendations Report
- Ngati Kearoa Ngati Tuarā, Ngati Whakaue, Te Arawa Lakes Trust
Next Steps
The Hearing Panel will now consider the comments received. The Hearing Commisisoners' final report must be provided to the Minister for the Environment by 15 December 2020.
Draft Report Received From Hearing Commissioners
The Hearing Commissioners have provided their draft Report on the plan change:
- Draft Recommendations Report
- Appendix 2: PC2 Draft Provisions
- Appendix 3: Pukehangi Heights Structure Plan (Draft Decisions Version)
- Appendix 3: Zoning Map Draft Recommendation
Request for Comments
The Ministers Direction specifies that the Hearing Commissioners request and consider comments on the draft report from the following parties: Rotorua District Council, submitters and further submitters before they finalise their report.
The scope of comments is limited to identification and correction of minor or technical errors or omissions. Comments cannot be made on the hearing panel’s recommendation to the Minister for the Environment, or the reasons for its recommendation.
Any comments from the above parties must be received by 1 December 2020.
Final Evidence and Legal Submissions from Rotorua Lakes Council
Final evidence and legal submissions from Rotorua Lakes Council:
Evidence Presented at the Hearing:
Day 1: Monday, 21 September 2020
- RLC Theresa Le Bas Tompkins Wake: Opening Legal Submission
- RLC Craig Batchelar, Boffa Miskell: Summary of Evidence: Planning
- RLC Liam Foster: WSP Opus NZ Ltd: Summary of Evidence: Stormwater
- RLC Mark Pennington Tonkin and Taylor: Summary of Evidence: Stormwater and Flooding
- Ngati Kearoa Ngati Tuara Robyn Bargh: Cultural Impact (Submitter No. 22)
- TALT David Marshall: Summary of Evidence: Planning (Submitter No. 10)
- TALT, Ngati Kearoa Ngati Tuara, and Ngati Whakaue, Lara Burkhardt: Legal Submissions (Submitter No. 10, 22, 42)
- TALT, Ngati Kearoa Ngati Tuara and Ngati Whakaue, Lara Burkhardt: Memorandum of Counsel in Relation to Supplementary Matters, Streamlined Planning Process (Submitter No. 10)
- TALT, Ngati Kearoa Ngati Tuara and Ngati Whakaue: Additional Information Requested: Response to s42A recommendations
- Additional Information Requested: Memorandum of Understanding between RLC, BOPRC and TALT 2017: Nutrient Accounting Approach for Rotorua Waste Water Treatment Plant Discharge
Day 2: Tuesday, 22 September 2020
- BOPRC Mark Harding Cooney Lees Morgan: Legal Submissions on behalf of BOPRC (Submitter No. 44)
- BOPRC Peter Weston: Summary of Evidence: Hydrological basis for analysis (Submitter No. 44)
- BOPRC Phillip Wallace: Summary of Evidence: Hydraulic modelling and flood impacts (Submitter No. 44)
- BOPRC Peter Blackwood: Summary of Evidence Utuhina flood frequency and rainfall temporal variation (Submitter No. 44)
- BOPRC Kathleen Thiel-Lardon: Summary of Evidence Stormwater (Submitter No. 44)
- BOPRC Joanne Watts: Summary of Evidence: Nutrient Management Planning Provisions (Submitter No. 44)
- BOPRC Nathan Te Pairi: Statement of Evidence: Planning (Submitter No. 44)
- Hunt Family, Stephen Hunt: Statement of Evidence (Submitter No. 26)
- Hunt Family, Rowan Little Cheal Consultants Ltd: Summary of Evidence (Submitter No. 26)
- TAGH Mathew Allott: Statement of Evidence: Planning (Submitter No. 20)
- TAGH Graham Norman: Statement of Evidence: Traffic Engineering (Submitter No. 20)
- MARIS Ron Finn: Maps of western access to Matipo Heights (Submitter No. 12)
- MARIS Andrew Morton: Summary Notes (Submitter No. 12)
- MARIS Ken Scott: Pavement Serviceability (Submitter No. 12)
Day 3: Wednesday, 23 September 2020
- Rotorua District Residents and Ratepayers Reynold Macpherson: Statement of Evidence (Submitter No. 18)
- Waka Kotahi NZTA Rodney Albertyn: Position Statement (Submitter No. 11)
- Utuhina Valley Farm Linden Hunt (Submitter No. 21)
- Jill Revell and Gerald Stock: Statement of Evidence (Submitter No. 41)
- BOPRC Joanne Watts: Updated Summary of Evidence (Submitter No. 44)
- BOPRC Nathan Te Pairi: Appendix B Updated: Suggested changes to planning provisions (Submitter No. 44)
Evidence Circulated Before the Hearing
Submitter's Evidence:
- Te Arawa Lakes Trust (Submitter No. 10), Dave Marshall: Planning Evidence (received 20/09/2020)
- Fire and Emergency New Zealand (Submitter No. 14)
- Ministry of Education (Submitter No. 15)
- Dean Witehira and Jaylene Mitchell (Submitter No. 16): Forestry Evidence
- Hunt Family (Submitter No. 26), Cheal, Rowan Little (Planning Evidence)
- New Zealand Transport Agency (Submitter No. 11) GHD, Duncan Tindall: Traffic Evidence
- Te Arawa Group Holdings (Submitter 20), Commute Transportation Consultants, Graham Norman: Traffic Evidence
- BOPRC (Submitter No. 44) Natural Hazards: Mark Ivamy
- Te Arawa Group Holdings (Submitter 20), Boffa Miskell, Matt Allott: Planning Evidence
- BOPRC (Submitter No. 44) Peter West: Hydrological Modelling
- BOPRC (Submitter No. 44) Nathan Te Pairi: Planning
- BOPRC (Submitter No. 44) Philip Wallace: Stormwater Hydraulic Modelling
- BOPRC (Submitter No. 44) Peter Blackwood: Flood Frequency Rainfall
- BOPRC (Submitter No. 44) Kathy Thiel-Lardon: Stormwater
- BOPRC (Submitter No. 44) Kathy Thiel-Lardon: Stormwater Exhibits
- BOPRC (Submitter No. 44) Joanne Watts: Nutrient Management
Council's Evidence
- RLC Greg Manzano, Statement of Evidence (22/09/2020)
- RLC Marshall Day, Speedway Noise Reverse Sensitivity (Updated 18/09/2020)
- RLC, Kate Dahm, Rotorua Lakes Council: Statement of Evidence: Correction to s42A report
- RLC Liam Foster, WSP Opus New Zealand: Statement of Evidence: Stormwater
- RLC Liam Foster, WSP Opus New Zealand: Stormwater Report to support s42A report (updated track change version 14/09/2020)
- RLC Mark Pennington, Tonkin and Taylor: Statement of Evidence: Stormwater
Joint Witness Statements
Proposed Plan Change 2: Pukehāngi Heights Hearing Documents
Council's Planning Report and Supporting Documents:
- Council's Planning Report (Section 42a Report), along with supporting hearing documents.
- Appendix 1 - Plan Change text with tracked changes as recommended in Council's Planning Report
- Appendix 2 - Recommended Zoning and Structure Plans
- Opus Stormwater Report
- Boffa Miskell Landscape Provisions - Technical Advice
- Boffa Miskell Nutrient Management - Background Report
- Tompkins Wake Speedway Noise and Reverse Sensitivity - Legal Opinion
- Marshall Day Speedway Noise and Reverse Sensitivity - Noise Emissions
- Stantec Traffic Assessment
- Statement of Evidence, Jean-Paul Gaston - Group Manager, Strategy
Hearing Commissioners' Direction and Hearing Procedures:
- Direction No. 1: Direction & Hearings Procedure - David Hill, Chair Hearings Panel
- Direction No. 2: Expert Witness Conferencing: Stormwater/Flood Modelling, David Hill, Chair Hearings Panel
- Direction No. 3: Direction from the chair of the hearings panel, David Hill, to delay the Hearing
Hearing Schedule:
Hearing Timetable: 21 - 23 September 2020
According to the Chair, David Hill's Direction
- Day 1 - Monday 21 September: Outline of Plan Change and submissions by Council and Tangata Whenua;
- Day 2 - Tuesday 22 September: Stormwater-related issues and submissions on that topic and submitters with a direct interest in land within or adjacent to the Structure Plan area;
- Day 3 - Wednesday 23 September: Other submitters, Council's s42a author response and Council's response as proponents of PC2 (including any rebuttal evidence).
What does the Pukehāngi Heights plan change propose?
The plan change proposes to alter the zoning to enable residential and rural residential development within the area. A structure plan along with specific provisions (rules, performance standards etc) are proposed to guide any development.
Area wide assessments of archaeological, cultural and landscape values, natural hazards including stormwater and flooding, and transport have been undertaken to ensure the suitability of the area for a mix of development, including low and medium density residential development and large lot residential. Provision is made within the proposed rules for small-scale commercial centres to help encourage walkable communities.
The plan change has been developed around the following general principles:
- Development that responds to the landscape values of the Caldera Rim and the topography of the area;
- Development that recognises, protects and provides for the expression of the cultural and archaeological values of the area;
- Roads, walkways and cycleway connections throughout the area and connecting with adjoining sites;
- Comprehensively designed low impact stormwater management integrated with development;
- Enhancement of ecological values by including indigenous vegetation plantings; and
- Excellent urban design outcomes for solar access and passive surveillance of public spaces.
The following documents provide specific information on the plan change:
Evaluation Report (Section 32 Report)
The Evaluation Report provides a background as to why Council is undertaking the plan change, what the key issues are, the outcomes that Council is wanting to achieve and a summary of how the plan change proposes to achieve this through the plan change. . - Plan Change Provisions
- Structure Plan
- Zoning Map
- Landscape Assessment
- Stormwater Assessment (please note this link takes you to the document library as there are a number of stormwater reports)
- Landslide Hazard Assessment
- Fault Trace Memo
- Traffic Assessment
- Archaeological Assessment
- Cultural Impact Assessment
A summary of the key topics is provided below: -
Submissions available in full or summary
Listed below are a copy of full submissions - click on the submitter name to open individual submissions (updated 06 March 2020 to include late submission No. 47)
We have compiled these all into one document also downloadable here
A summary of submissions are now also downloadable by topic, by submitter or in excel format
- Monique Reesby
- Karyn & Justin Rogers
- David Eric & Rosemary Brackfield
- Pukehāngi Parkland Estates Inc
- John & Kay McDonald Trust
- Lara Herbert
- Rotorua Stockcar Club Incorporated
- Ngawhainga Kiriona-Winiata
- Heritage NZ Pouhere Taonga
- Te Arawa Lakes Trust
- New Zealand Transport Agency
- Matipo Ave Residents Incorporated Society
- Freedom Villages
- Fire and Emergency New Zealand
- Ministry of Education
- Dean Witehira & Jaylene Mitchell
- Jonathan
- Rotorua District Residents and Ratepayers Association
- David Crowley
- Te Arawa Group Holdings Limited
- Utuhina Valley Farm
- Te Runanga o Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara Trust (NKNT)
- Renee Kiriona
- Ngaire Khan
- Huiarangi Honana
- Hunt Family
- Wayne Derrick
- Joint Landowner (Hunt, TAGH, Paul Sumner)
- Layne Harvey
- Mazen Shasha
- Johnston Family Trust
- Daniel Storey
- Samuel Storey
- Valerie Storey
- Michael Storey
- Victor Storey
- Susan Storey
- Rotorua and Bay of Plenty Hunt Incorporated
- Rachel Mischewski
- Bill Gracie
- Jill Revel
- Te Komiro o te Utuhina on behalf of Ngāti Whakaue
- Rotorua Lakes Council
- Bay of Plenty Regional Council
- Jacqueline Gail van der Waals
- Greg and Heather Bell (late submission)
- Unison Networks Limited (late submission)
More information
District Plan - Plan Change 2 - Pukehāngi Heights has finished this stageFor details of each stage see here.
Approval from Minister for the Environment to use Streamlined Plan Change Process
District Plan - Plan Change 2 - Pukehāngi Heights has finished this stage14 January 2020
Submissions period
District Plan - Plan Change 2 - Pukehāngi Heights has finished this stage22 January - 20 February 2020 -
Submissions available online
District Plan - Plan Change 2 - Pukehāngi Heights has finished this stageAvailable from 27 February
Summary of Submisisons Available
District Plan - Plan Change 2 - Pukehāngi Heights has finished this stageWhen: 5 March 2020
Further Submissions Period
District Plan - Plan Change 2 - Pukehāngi Heights has finished this stageOpens 6 March - Information on making a further submission
Closes 19 March
Pre-Hearing Mediation (Disputes Resolution) if required
District Plan - Plan Change 2 - Pukehāngi Heights has finished this stage -
Hearings Start - 21-23 September
District Plan - Plan Change 2 - Pukehāngi Heights has finished this stage -
Hearing Commissioners have now closed Hearing: 5 October 2020
District Plan - Plan Change 2 - Pukehāngi Heights has finished this stageHearing Commissioners will proceed to deliberate.
Draft Report Circulated to submitters/further submitters
District Plan - Plan Change 2 - Pukehāngi Heights has finished this stageHearing Commissioner's Draft Recommendations Report has been provided and comments on the draft received (closed 1 Dec 2020).
Commissioners Recommendations to the Minister
District Plan - Plan Change 2 - Pukehāngi Heights has finished this stageThe report must be with the Minister by 15 December 2020.
Plan Change Approved!
District Plan - Plan Change 2 - Pukehāngi Heights is currently at this stageThe Minister for the Environment, the Hon David Parker, has approved the plan change.
The plan change will become operative as of 27 March 2021.
Document Library
Ministers Decision
PC2 Pukehangi Heights - Meeting the Statement of Expectations (694 KB) (pdf)
Final Report from Hearing Commissioners
Responses to Hearing Commissioner's Draft Report Recommendations
Stephen Hunt's feedback on Draft Recommendations Report (10.4 MB) (pdf)
Stephen Hunt's feedback on Pukehangi Heights Draft Recommendation Provisions (10.2 MB) (pdf)
Memorandum of Counsel for Rotorua Lakes Council - dated 1 December 2020 (155 KB) (pdf)
Rotorua Lakes Council's comments on Draft Recommendations Report (713 KB) (pdf)
Rotorua Lakes Council's feedback on minor or technical matters to Draft Recommendations Report and Provisions (174 KB) (pdf)
Rotorua Lakes Council's feedback on Provisions (799 KB) (pdf)
BOPRC's comments on Draft Recommendations Report and Provisions (236 KB) (pdf)
MARIS comments on Draft Recommendations Report (219 KB) (pdf)
Ngati Kearoa Ngati Tuarā, Ngati Whakaue, Te Arawa Lakes Trust (219 KB) (pdf)
RDRRA's comments on Draft Recommendations Report (180 KB) (pdf)
Hearing Commissioners Draft Report
PC2 Pukehangi Heights - Commissioners' Draft Report (827 KB) (pdf)
PC2 Pukehangi Heights Appendix 2 - PC2 Provisions (2.16 MB) (pdf)
PC2 Pukehangi Heights Appendix 3 Pukehangi Heights Structure Plan Commissioners Draft Recommendations (937 KB) (pdf)
PC2 Pukehangi Heights s42 Order (67.3 KB) (pdf)
PC2 Pukehangi Heights Appendix 3 Zoning Map Commissioners Draft Recommendations (2.81 MB) (pdf)
Final Evidence Rotorua Lakes Council
Legal submissions in reply on behalf of RLC (270 KB) (pdf)
Final Evidence in Liam Foster (198 KB) (pdf)
Final evidence Craig Batchelar (1.47 MB) (pdf)
Craig Batchelar Appendix 1 Plan Change 2 Provisions 1 (830 KB) (pdf)
Craig Batchelar Appendix 1 Amended Pukehangi Heights Structure Plan 2 (937 KB) (pdf)
Craig Batchelar Appendix 1 Plan Change 2 zoning map (unchanged) 3 (2.81 MB) (pdf)
Executive Summaries presented at Hearing
RLC Theresa Le Bas, Tompkins Wake: Opening Legal Submission (442 KB) (pdf)
RLC Craig Batchelar, Boffa Miskell: Statement of Evidence (772 KB) (pdf)
RLC Liam Foster, WSP Opus NZ Ltd: Summary of Evidence (236 KB) (pdf)
RLC Mark Pennington, Tonkin and Taylor Ltd: Summary of Evidence (124 KB) (pdf)
Ngati Kearoa Ngati Tuara, Robyn Bargh: Cultural Impact (Submitter No. 22).pdf (1.21 MB) (pdf)
TALT, David Marshall: Summary of Statement of Planning Evidence (Submitter No. 10) (244 KB) (pdf)
TALT, Ngati Kearoa Ngati Tuara and Ngati Whakaue, Lara Burkhardt: Legal Submissions (Submitter No. 10) (420 KB) (pdf)
TALT, Ngati Kearoa Ngati Tuara, Ngati Whakaue, Lara Burkhardt: Memorandum of Counsel in Relation to Supplementary Matters, Streamlined Planning Process (Submitter No. 10) (180 KB) (pdf)
Additional Information Requested: Submission Relief s42A Submitter responses (509 KB) (pdf)
RDDR Inc, Reynold Macpherson: Statement of Evidence (Submitter No. 18) (515 KB) (pdf)
Additional Information Requested - MOU between RLC, BOPRC & Te Arawa Lakes Trust (517 KB) (pdf)
BOPRC Mark Harding, Cooney Lees Morgan: Legal Submissions on behalf of (Submitter No. 44) (242 KB) (pdf)
BOPRC (Submitter No. 44) Peter Weston: Summary Statement of Evidence: Hydrological Modelling (72.2 KB) (pdf)
BOPRC Philip Wallace: Summary of Evidence: Hydraulic modelling and flood impacts (Submitter No. 44) (286 KB) (pdf)
BOPRC Peter Blackwood: Summary of Evidence Utuhina Flood Frequency and Rainfall (Submitter No. 44) (299 KB) (pdf)
BOPRC (Submitter No. 44) Kathleen Thiel Lardon - Stormwater (199 KB) (pdf)
BOPRC Joanne Watts: Summary of Evidence: Nutrient management planning provisions (Submitter No. 44) (223 KB) (pdf)
BOPRC Nathan Te Pairi: Statement of Evidence (Submitter No. 44) (133 KB) (pdf)
BOPRC Nathan Te Pairi: Appendix B Updated: Suggested changes to planning provisions (486 KB) (pdf)
BOPRC Joanne Watts: Updated Summary of Evidence (Submitter No. 44) (237 KB) (pdf)
The Hunt Family, Stephen Hunt: Statement of Evidence (Submitter No. 26) (152 KB) (pdf)
The Hunt Family, Rowan Little, Cheal Consultants Ltd: Executive Summary of Evidence (Submitter No. 26) (237 KB) (pdf)
TAGH Matthew Craig Allott Planner: Statement of Evidence (Submitter No. 20) (468 KB) (pdf)
TAGH Matthew Craig Allott Planner: Preliminary Development Concept Plan of TAGH Block (Submitter No. 20) (879 KB) (pdf)
TAGH Graham Michael Norman Traffic Engineer: Statement of Evidence (Submitter No. 20) (536 KB) (pdf)
MARIS Ron Finn: Maps of western access to Matipo Heights (843 KB) (pdf)
MARIS Andrew Morton: Summary Notes (Submitter No. 12).pdf (3.3 MB) (pdf)
MARIS, Ken Scott: Pavement Serviceability (Submitter No. 12) (923 KB) (pdf)
Waka Kotahi NZTA, Rodney Albertyn: Position Statement (Submitter No. 11) (424 KB) (pdf)
Utuhina Valley Farm, Linden Hunt (Submitter No. 21) (367 KB) (pdf)
Jill Revell and Gerald Stock (Submitter No. 41) (66.7 KB) (pdf)
Additional Information: Marshall Day Acoustics - Speedway Noise and Reverse Sensitivity for Proposed Plan Change 2 (1.13 MB) (pdf)
Additional Information: Hegley Acoustic Consultants - Speedway Noise and Reverse Sensitivity for Proposed Plan Change 2; Letter of Support (88 KB) (pdf)
Hearing Schedule
Hearing Commissioners Directions
Submitters Evidence and other information for the Hearing
Te Arawa Lakes Trust (Submitter No. 10), Dave Marshall (received 20 09 2020) (1.87 MB) (pdf)
Fire and Emergency New Zealand (Submitter No. 14) (166 KB) (pdf)
Ministry of Education (Submitter No. 15) (150 KB) (pdf)
Dean Witehira & Jaylene Mitchell (Submitter No. 16), Ngahere Resources, Gareth Buchanan: Forestry Evidence (1.92 MB) (pdf)
New Zealand Transport Agency (Submitter 11), GHD, Duncan Tindall: Traffic Evidence (1.39 MB) (pdf)
Hunt Family (Submitter No. 26), Cheal, Rowan Little (Planning Evidence) (2.78 MB) (pdf)
Te Arawa Group Holdings (Submitter 20), Commute Transportation Consultants, Graham Norman: Traffic Evidence (536 KB) (pdf)
Te Arawa Group Holdings (Submitter 20), Boffa Miskell, Matt Allott: Planning Evidence (468 KB) (pdf)
BOPRC (Submitter No. 44), Mark Ivamy: Natural Hazards Evidence (144 KB) (pdf)
BOPRC (Submitter No. 44) Peter West: Hydrological Modelling (4.3 MB) (pdf)
BOPRC (Submitter No. 44) Planning: Nathan Te Pairi (478 KB) (pdf)
BOPRC (Submission No. 44) Stormwater Hydraulic Modelling: Philip Wallace (1.67 MB) (pdf)
BOPRC (Submitter No. 44) Flood Frequency Rainfall: Peter Blackwood (706 KB) (pdf)
BOPRC (Submitter No. 44) Stormwater: Kathleen Thiel-Lardon (281 KB) (pdf)
BOPRC (Submitter No. 44) Stormwater Exhibits: Kathleen Thiel-Lardon (11.6 MB) (pdf)
BOPRC (Submitter No. 44) Nutrient Management Joanne Watts (425 KB) (pdf)
PC2 Pukehangi Heights - Hearing Documents
FINAL Statement of Evidence of Greg Manzano 22 September 2020.pdf (1.41 MB) (pdf)
Rotorua Lakes Council: Marshall Day, Speedway Noise Reverse Sensitivity (Updated report 18/09/2020).pdf (1.13 MB) (pdf)
Rotorua Lakes Council, WSP Opus: Liam Foster (stormwater) (151 KB) (pdf)
Rotorua Lakes Council, WSP Opus, Liam Foster: Stormwater Report (amended 14 Sept 2020) (19.6 MB) (pdf)
Rotorua Lakes Council, Tonkin and Taylor, Mark Pennington: Statement of Evidence (Stormwater) (541 KB) (pdf)
Rotorua Lakes Council, Kate Dahm (Correction to S42A Report) (247 KB) (pdf)
Summary of Submissions (Excel) (932 KB) (XLSX)
Final statement of evidence of Liam Foster 14 September 2020.pdf (154 KB) (pdf)
Appendix 1: Updated Stormwater Report L Foster 14 Sept 2020.pdf (19.6 MB) (pdf)
Final Statement of Evidence - Mark Pennington, Tonkin and Taylor (14 September 2020) (541 KB) (pdf)
Final statement of evidence of Kate Dahm.pdf (247 KB) (pdf)
Joint Witness Statement Stormwater FINAL (4.99 MB) (pdf)
Council's Planning Report (s42A Report) (2.74 MB) (pdf)
Appendix 1 - Plan Change text with tracked changes as recommended in Council's Planning Report (640 KB) (pdf)
Appendix 2 - Recommended Zoning and Structure Plans (3.39 MB) (PDF)
Opus Stormwater Report (24.4 MB) (PDF)
Boffa Miskell Landscape Provisions - Technical Advice (190 KB) (PDF)
Boffa Miskell Nutrient Management - Background Report (404 KB) (pdf)
Tompkins Wake Speedway Noise and Reverse Sensitiviy - Legal Opinion (286 KB) (pdf)
Marshall Day Speedway Noise Reverse Sensitivity - Noise Emissions (1.12 MB) (pdf)
Stantec Traffic Assessment (824 KB) (PDF)
Statement of Evidence of Jean-Paul Gaston - Group Manager, Strategy (463 KB) (pdf)
PC2 Pukehangi Heights - Submissions
Notification documentation
Section 32 Evaluation Report (2.13 MB) (pdf)
Plan Change Provisions (1.31 MB) (pdf)
Structure Plan (815 KB) (pdf)
Zoning Map (2.81 MB) (pdf)
Landscape Assessment (31.7 MB) (pdf)
OPUS Stormwater Summary Memo Jan 2020 (1.15 MB) (pdf)
OPUS Stormwater Masterplan Options Sunnydowns July 2019 (3.45 MB) (pdf)
OPUS Sunnydowns Rural 2 Addition July 2019 (2.24 MB) (pdf)
OPUS Stormwater Masterplan Options Hunts Farm July 2019 (4.58 MB) (pdf)
OPUS Stormwater Masterplan Options Te Arawa Group Holdings March 2019 (1.83 MB) (pdf)
OPUS Flood Risk Assessment March 2019 (13.8 MB) (pdf)
OPUS Landslide Hazard Assessment (17.9 MB) (pdf)
Opus Geotechnical Pukehāngi Appendix A (15.4 MB) (pdf)
Opus Geotechnical Pukehāngi Appendix B (4.23 MB) (pdf)
Opus Geotechnical Pukehāngi Appendix C (8.27 MB) (pdf)