Evidence Presented at the Hearing:
Day 1: Monday, 21 September 2020
- RLC Theresa Le Bas Tompkins Wake: Opening Legal Submission
- RLC Craig Batchelar, Boffa Miskell: Summary of Evidence: Planning
- RLC Liam Foster: WSP Opus NZ Ltd: Summary of Evidence: Stormwater
- RLC Mark Pennington Tonkin and Taylor: Summary of Evidence: Stormwater and Flooding
- Ngati Kearoa Ngati Tuara Robyn Bargh: Cultural Impact (Submitter No. 22)
- TALT David Marshall: Summary of Evidence: Planning (Submitter No. 10)
- TALT, Ngati Kearoa Ngati Tuara, and Ngati Whakaue, Lara Burkhardt: Legal Submissions (Submitter No. 10, 22, 42)
- TALT, Ngati Kearoa Ngati Tuara and Ngati Whakaue, Lara Burkhardt: Memorandum of Counsel in Relation to Supplementary Matters, Streamlined Planning Process (Submitter No. 10)
- TALT, Ngati Kearoa Ngati Tuara and Ngati Whakaue: Additional Information Requested: Response to s42A recommendations
- Additional Information Requested: Memorandum of Understanding between RLC, BOPRC and TALT 2017: Nutrient Accounting Approach for Rotorua Waste Water Treatment Plant Discharge
Day 2: Tuesday, 22 September 2020
- BOPRC Mark Harding Cooney Lees Morgan: Legal Submissions on behalf of BOPRC (Submitter No. 44)
- BOPRC Peter Weston: Summary of Evidence: Hydrological basis for analysis (Submitter No. 44)
- BOPRC Phillip Wallace: Summary of Evidence: Hydraulic modelling and flood impacts (Submitter No. 44)
- BOPRC Peter Blackwood: Summary of Evidence Utuhina flood frequency and rainfall temporal variation (Submitter No. 44)
- BOPRC Kathleen Thiel-Lardon: Summary of Evidence Stormwater (Submitter No. 44)
- BOPRC Joanne Watts: Summary of Evidence: Nutrient Management Planning Provisions (Submitter No. 44)
- BOPRC Nathan Te Pairi: Statement of Evidence: Planning (Submitter No. 44)
- Hunt Family, Stephen Hunt: Statement of Evidence (Submitter No. 26)
- Hunt Family, Rowan Little Cheal Consultants Ltd: Summary of Evidence (Submitter No. 26)
- TAGH Mathew Allott: Statement of Evidence: Planning (Submitter No. 20)
- TAGH Graham Norman: Statement of Evidence: Traffic Engineering (Submitter No. 20)
- MARIS Ron Finn: Maps of western access to Matipo Heights (Submitter No. 12)
- MARIS Andrew Morton: Summary Notes (Submitter No. 12)
- MARIS Ken Scott: Pavement Serviceability (Submitter No. 12)
Day 3: Wednesday, 23 September 2020
- Rotorua District Residents and Ratepayers Reynold Macpherson: Statement of Evidence (Submitter No. 18)
- Waka Kotahi NZTA Rodney Albertyn: Position Statement (Submitter No. 11)
- Utuhina Valley Farm Linden Hunt (Submitter No. 21)
- Jill Revell and Gerald Stock: Statement of Evidence (Submitter No. 41)
- BOPRC Joanne Watts: Updated Summary of Evidence (Submitter No. 44)
- BOPRC Nathan Te Pairi: Appendix B Updated: Suggested changes to planning provisions (Submitter No. 44)
Consultation has concluded