What does the Pukehāngi Heights plan change propose?
The plan change proposes to alter the zoning to enable residential and rural residential development within the area. A structure plan along with specific provisions (rules, performance standards etc) are proposed to guide any development.
Area wide assessments of archaeological, cultural and landscape values, natural hazards including stormwater and flooding, and transport have been undertaken to ensure the suitability of the area for a mix of development, including low and medium density residential development and large lot residential. Provision is made within the proposed rules for small-scale commercial centres to help encourage walkable communities.
The plan change has been developed around the following general principles:
- Development that responds to the landscape values of the Caldera Rim and the topography of the area;
- Development that recognises, protects and provides for the expression of the cultural and archaeological values of the area;
- Roads, walkways and cycleway connections throughout the area and connecting with adjoining sites;
- Comprehensively designed low impact stormwater management integrated with development;
- Enhancement of ecological values by including indigenous vegetation plantings; and
- Excellent urban design outcomes for solar access and passive surveillance of public spaces.
The following documents provide specific information on the plan change:
Evaluation Report (Section 32 Report)
The Evaluation Report provides a background as to why Council is undertaking the plan change, what the key issues are, the outcomes that Council is wanting to achieve and a summary of how the plan change proposes to achieve this through the plan change. . - Plan Change Provisions
- Structure Plan
- Zoning Map
- Landscape Assessment
- Stormwater Assessment (please note this link takes you to the document library as there are a number of stormwater reports)
- Landslide Hazard Assessment
- Fault Trace Memo
- Traffic Assessment
- Archaeological Assessment
- Cultural Impact Assessment
Consultation has concluded