Key Topics: Traffic
The Pukehāngi Heights Development Area is served primary from Pukehāngi Road which is Collector Road.
The development of the land will increase traffic volumes on the local road network.
An assessment of the traffic effects of development of Pukehāngi Heights on the road network has been undertaken[1]. This assessment concludes that traffic flows from the development will be relatively low with no significant delays to traffic turning in or out of the development, or on the performance of the wider network.
The speed limit on Pukehāngi Road is likely to be reduced from its present 70km/h to 50 km/h.
An indicative primary road network and walkways and cycleways are shown on the proposed Structure Plan. Additional local roads will need to be provided to accommodate the planned development.
The proposed Structure Plan shows the appropriate locations for intersections with the existing road network to optimise traffic flows within the development, and to focus amenity effects of traffic flows on existing intersections.
Active Transport Modes
The operative District Plan recognises that developing a compact urban area that allows for effective and varied forms of transport and pedestrian connections is important to achieve a sustainable city[2].
Development of the site presents an opportunity for enhanced walking and cycling access for the development site as well as giving the surrounding community access to recreational areas and outstanding views of the lake and Rotorua Caldera, complementing other recreational assets in the local areas.
The proposed structure plan shows the extent of the walking and cycling network within the Development Area. The standards for construction (e.g. width, surfacing, lighting) will be guided by the Councils infrastructure specifications [3] and general subdivision criteria in the operative District Plan[4] for the safe and convenient movement of pedestrians and cyclists throughout a subdivision site or development.
The Development Area will link to the Councils “Cyway” biking network via a planned 3m wide shared access along Pukehāngi Road.
Public Transport
There is the potential for public transport connections along Pukehāngi Road which will be easily walkable from all parts of the Development Area. The planned local centres create the opportunity to locate bus stops adjacent to areas of activity focus and amenity.
Matipo Avenue
Residents of Matipo Avenue have raised specific concerns about the impact of development and construction traffic on Matipo Avenue from the TAGH land. Matipo Avenue is narrow and has a steep gradient where it rises from Pukehāngi Road, which reduces its capacity for additional traffic to be handled safely.
Residents in Matipo Avenue were submitters opposed to the proposed “Twin Oaks” Development Plan through the last District Plan Review. Their submissions resulted in standards being included in the District Plan to control construction access, development scale, and internal road connections. Residents want to maintain these standards as an outcome of the proposed plan change.
A range of options have been developed and evaluated for access to the Twin Oaks land[5]. As an outcome of this planning process, the concerns raised by residents have been recognised and provided for by the following provisions being included in the Plan Change:
· Limiting the likely number of vehicle movements on Matipo Avenue from Twin Oaks to no more than those enabled under the current District Plan provisions;
· Restricting land development construction vehicles from using Matipo Avenue, with access instead being gained from Great Western Road, or Pukehāngi Road via the Hunt Farm land.
The traffic assessment concludes that if the road network is developed as shown on the Structure Plan, the number of vehicle movements on Matipo Avenue from Twin Oaks will be less than those enabled under the current District Plan provisions.
[1] Pukehāngi Heights Development Area Traffic Assessment, Stantec, 08 March 2019
[2] 13.2.4 Sustainable Design and Development of Land
[4] See Objective 13.3.9, 13.13.2 g Roading and Access, General Assessment Criteria
[5] Matipo Avenue Access Issues and Options Discussion Paper
Consultation has concluded