Final Report from Hearing Commissioners to the Minister
The final step under the Ministers Direction for the Pukehangi Heights Plan Change is the provision of the final report from the Hearing Commissioners to the Minister, along with all other documents required by clause 83(1) of the Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act (RMA).
Information Requirements |
Relevant Documents |
The proposed planning instrument |
A summary of the written submissions |
A report showing how submissions have been considered and any modifications made to the proposed planning instrument in light of submissions |
The evaluation reports required under sections 32 and 32AA | Note, the Final Report from the Hearing Commissioners includes the evaluation required under Section 32AA (paragraphs 35 - 37) |
A summary document showing how the Council has had regard to the statement of expectations | (paragraphs 15 - 20) |
A summary document showing how the proposed planning instrument complies with the requirements of any relevant national direction and the RMA or any regulations made under it. |
Any other information and documentation specified in the direction. | No additional information or documentation required. |
Meeting the Minister's Statement of Expectations | The following additional information was submitted to MfE on the 22nd January 2021 |
Consultation has concluded