Proposed Plan Change 2: Pukehāngi Heights Hearing Documents
Council's Planning Report and Supporting Documents:
- Council's Planning Report (Section 42a Report), along with supporting hearing documents.
- Appendix 1 - Plan Change text with tracked changes as recommended in Council's Planning Report
- Appendix 2 - Recommended Zoning and Structure Plans
- Opus Stormwater Report
- Boffa Miskell Landscape Provisions - Technical Advice
- Boffa Miskell Nutrient Management - Background Report
- Tompkins Wake Speedway Noise and Reverse Sensitivity - Legal Opinion
- Marshall Day Speedway Noise and Reverse Sensitivity - Noise Emissions
- Stantec Traffic Assessment
- Statement of Evidence, Jean-Paul Gaston - Group Manager, Strategy
Hearing Commissioners' Direction and Hearing Procedures:
- Direction No. 1: Direction & Hearings Procedure - David Hill, Chair Hearings Panel
- Direction No. 2: Expert Witness Conferencing: Stormwater/Flood Modelling, David Hill, Chair Hearings Panel
- Direction No. 3: Direction from the chair of the hearings panel, David Hill, to delay the Hearing
Hearing Schedule:
Hearing Timetable: 21 - 23 September 2020
According to the Chair, David Hill's Direction
- Day 1 - Monday 21 September: Outline of Plan Change and submissions by Council and Tangata Whenua;
- Day 2 - Tuesday 22 September: Stormwater-related issues and submissions on that topic and submitters with a direct interest in land within or adjacent to the Structure Plan area;
- Day 3 - Wednesday 23 September: Other submitters, Council's s42a author response and Council's response as proponents of PC2 (including any rebuttal evidence).
Consultation has concluded