District Plan - Plan Change 2 - Pukehāngi Heights

Consultation has concluded

In recognition of the need for additional residentially zoned land, Rotorua Lakes Council has been working with land owners within the Pukehāngi Heights Area to develop a plan change that is intended to facilitate residential and rural residential development.

The Minister has approved the rezoning of the land and the plan change provisions.

More information on the plan change is provided here

Please note, before housing can occur within this area additional work in relation to stormwater needs to be completed, a discharge consent sought from the regional council and subdivisions approved by the district council.

In recognition of the need for additional residentially zoned land, Rotorua Lakes Council has been working with land owners within the Pukehāngi Heights Area to develop a plan change that is intended to facilitate residential and rural residential development.

The Minister has approved the rezoning of the land and the plan change provisions.

More information on the plan change is provided here

Please note, before housing can occur within this area additional work in relation to stormwater needs to be completed, a discharge consent sought from the regional council and subdivisions approved by the district council.