Planning for the future of Rotorua - the Draft Spatial Plan

Consultation has concluded

A young boy pointing to the sky, symbolising the children of today who will be the adults of the future. They are the ones who will be affected by the Spatial Plan we are working on in the present.

The Spatial Plan was adopted at the council meeting on 30 August 2018.

Our spatial plan helps us to plan how the city and district will grow, develop and change over a time horizon of 30+ years to deliver on Rotorua’s 2030 vision and goals.

Focusing on our vision for the future and recognising what is important to us as a community will help us shape a more inclusive, equitable and sustainable community and economy.

The aim of the spatial plan is to:

  1. Provide one picture of where the district is heading and highlight significant and key areas for growth and change.
  2. Provide a guide for investment decisions at a local, regional and central government level.
  3. Identify the key issues facing the district and the priorities that need to be advanced to address these.

The Spatial Plan was adopted at the council meeting on 30 August 2018.

Our spatial plan helps us to plan how the city and district will grow, develop and change over a time horizon of 30+ years to deliver on Rotorua’s 2030 vision and goals.

Focusing on our vision for the future and recognising what is important to us as a community will help us shape a more inclusive, equitable and sustainable community and economy.

The aim of the spatial plan is to:

  1. Provide one picture of where the district is heading and highlight significant and key areas for growth and change.
  2. Provide a guide for investment decisions at a local, regional and central government level.
  3. Identify the key issues facing the district and the priorities that need to be advanced to address these.
Consultation has concluded

This document identifies how we shape our city, villages and district after taking into account what is important to us for future generations.

It is likely that you'll have some questions - please feel free to ask!

  • When the redevelopment of the lakefront happens, will there still be helicopters there as they are so noisy and they take away the tranquility there. ?

    kelly asked about 7 years ago

    One of the objectives of the Draft Spatial Plan is to ‘Create a Vibrant City Heart’. To support achieving this, one of the longer term outcomes will be to ‘Create a master plan for the inner city reserves with a focus on the lakefront’. The details of the specific actions to create that master plan have not been developed at this stage. We would need to work with professional designers, community and stakeholders to develop that plan. It would be at that point that changes to current activities would be considered.  

    You certainly raise a good point however, and feedback such as this is welcomed to help us understand what the needs of the public are for this space.  Thanks for the questions!

  • Can you mail out a hard copy?

    Gregg Brown asked about 7 years ago


    Anyone that would like a hard copy posted out - please email your name and address to:  

    Copies also available at Rotorua Lakes Council customer centre - 1061 Haupapa St.
