Planning for the future of Rotorua - the Spatial Plan Discussion
Consultation has concluded, we are now beginning consultation on the Draft Spatial Plan

The Rotorua Spatial Plan
As a community we need to talk about how we want to respond to population changes and the global and national trends that will influence the future growth and development of our district.
The Rotorua Spatial Plan will be a bold plan that will show how Rotorua will grow and change out to 2050. Driving this is the Rotorua Vision 2030. This is the galvanising force behind the Spatial Plan and all council, that ensures all activity is oriented towards one goal. The spatial plan expresses this Vision spatially. This is not the first such plan - Rotorua started out with a bold vision emerging from the Fenton agreement for a town to capitalise on the area’s geothermal wonders. This spatial plan continues that tradition by building on what we have to propel us forward to the next exciting stage of our district’s evolution.
The Rotorua Spatial Plan will describe a future where the population is significantly larger.
This recognises people will continue to be attracted here by the lifestyle and economic growth, and growth overspill from surrounding areas.
We need your help by:
- Use the 'Our Places' tool and 'pin' your thoughts to help us understand the potential for our district.
- Complete the 'Spatial Plan Feedback Form' - A number of questions have been left purposefully open at this point. We need to know from you, and others, what they think.
- Keep checking on this site for updates and your opportunity to submit on the Draft Spatial Plan.
The next step is to analyse the feedback, combine with research and develop a draft spatial plan.