How do we want Rotorua to look in the future?

This discussion document is intended to start a discussion about how as a community we want to respond to population changes and the global and national trends that will influence our growth and development.
This is an exciting time for the district.
The last 3 years have seen sustained growth and development in the district and a steady increase in population.
Population gains over the last 3 years have reversed the small population decline across the proceeding 10 years.
However, growth creates other challenges - most obviously, for our roads and infrastructure - but also in the cost and demand for housing.
We therefore need to think carefully about the longer term direction of the district and how we look to manage change and provide for future growth to achieve the social, environmental and economic sustainability of the district.
We have an important role as stewards for the district – Kaitiakitanga.
Feedback on this document will help us develop a spatial plan which reflects the community’s aspirations for the future of the city, district and its setting.
The purpose of the spatial plan will be to provide clear strategic directions for the development of Rotorua and the district over the next 30 plus years and beyond, but with the flexibility required to respond to unforeseen change.
With its focus on how we use land and manage competing demands for space, it will ensure that the district can achieve a more sustainable, prosperous and equitable future.
Consultation has concluded, we are now beginning consultation on the Draft Spatial Plan