From the Mayor

We are experiencing significant change, progress and population growth in the Rotorua district. People and businesses are choosing in greater numbers to come and live here and we need to provide for on going growth for the future prosperity and wellbeing of Rotorua.
The challenge is to ensure the way development happens will protect what makes our home special, while at the same time propelling the district forward.
An essential part of the process is hearing from the community about what it sees as the important issues, what type of development we want, how much and where it should go. To stimulate discussion Council has prepared this document with some initial ideas and what we see as priorities that we should be focusing on.
There is incredible potential in our district and we want to unlock that. However, we need to think carefully about how that should and this is an opportunity for you to help us continue to shape our district across the next 30 years.
I look forward to your input and ideas
Tatau tatau.
Consultation has concluded, we are now beginning consultation on the Draft Spatial Plan