2017/2018 Speed Limit Bylaw Review
Consultation has concluded

**This consultation has now closed**
The recommendation to Council on the proposed Speed Limit Changes can be found here on page 32.
As the local road controlling authority, Council is responsible for reviewing and setting speed limits on all local roads in the district. The Transport Agency (NZTA) manages speed limits for all State Highways.
Council conducts speed limit reviews approximately every three years, focusing on roads that have been subject to public submissions (mainly through annual plan consultation), roads where changes have occurred (e.g. development) or for some other specific reason (e.g. recommendation from a Coroner’s report).
**Please Note** - SH5 Waiotapu speed review
In the latest edition of Rotorua - Tatau Tatau, we mentioned that the council would be accepting submissions on behalf of the NZ Transport Agency on a speed review through Waiotapu on SH5. The Transport Agency will now look at speed on this section of highway at a later time. If you would like to be kept up-to-date on this, please email team@saferoads.co.nz.
In the article we stated incorrectly that 12 people had died on SH5 between Wairakei and SH38 last year. This should have said that 12 people died on the road between 2006 and 2015.
The roads included in the 2017/2018 review are all or parts of: Manawahe Road, Pongakawa Valley Road, Western Road, Brake Road, Oakland Place, Pioneer Road, Mohi Crescent, Tarawera Road, Spencer Road, Brunswick Drive (including side roads), Okareka Loop Road, Millar Road, Waiotapu Loop Road, Road to wastewater treatment plant, Vaughan Road, Owhata Road, Hamurana Road, Kaska Road, Turner Road, Te Waerenga Road and Paradise Valley, Endean, Te Miri and Te Mana roads.
View this PDF to see current and proposed speed limits for each of the above roads.