Will the residents within the catchment for the East Rotoiti/Rotomā Sewerage Scheme also have to contribute to the Rotorua City 'Out of the Forest' scheme?
East Rotoiti/Rotomā residents will be charged a new targeted capital rate to recover a portion of the total capital cost ($9.4m out of $35.3m) to build and connect to the proposed sewerage scheme for the catchment.
Council has a policy of equalising the operating costs of all sewerage schemes across the district. As such all residential properties connected to the various schemes all pay the same sewage pan charge. This benefits the smaller schemes such as East Rotoiti/Rotomā or Tarawera that will have a higher operating cost than what the residents of the scheme would otherwise contribute through their rates.
No general rates are used to fund waste water. This is fully funded from targeted rates.
What is the budget for Civil Defence Emergency Management in the LTP?
Roughly $1m has been budgeted in the LTP for Civil Defence Emergency Management
If we revive our facilities - Aquatic Centre, Museum, SHM Performing Arts Centre and the Stadium, what is the expected income per year for each?
What is a Long Term Plan
The 2018-28 Long-term Plan (LTP).sets out what Council proposes achieving over the next 10 years and how that will be funded.
It will affect everyone in Rotorua so your views matter.
The plan is reviewed every three years to ensure it remains relevant and reflects the direction of Council and of the Rotorua district.
This LTP includes key proposals for managing and maintaining current facilities and community assets, as well as planning for projects and programmes that will promote, and position us for, future growth and development.
The document includes proposals we want your feedback about as well as information only projects and matters.
Your feedback will help Council in its decision-making.
The LTP is proposing to increase debt over the next ten years. Were does that money go?
How do I download a PDF of the Draft Long-term Plan?
You can download a PDF by clicking the icon in the bottom right of the window that opens after you click on the link.
Draft Long-term Plan 2018-2028 - Colour Your Future