Previous updates
Update - October 2023
We thank those of our community that participated in this process.
The Rotorua Future Development Strategy Joint Committee has considered all submissions and heard submitters during hearings last month.
The hearing days were recorded and the footage is available to watch on Rotorua Lakes Council’s Youtube chanel -
Next Steps:
- The Joint Committee will recommend changes to the FDS based on a deliberations report prepared by the committee’s independent chair.
- Proposed adoption of the FDS by both Councils in November/December 2023.
- Following adoption, all submitters will receive formal notification of the outcome.
Stay informed about the progress of the Future Development Strategy:
- Check back on this project page -
- Follow us on Facebook at
Rotorua Lakes Council has drafted Te Tuhinga Hukihuki o te Rautaki Whakawhanake i te Āpōpō o Rotorua | the draft Future Development Strategy (FDS).
The Strategy outlines future growth for housing and businesses and will help guide future decisions and investment for the district. It has been informed by Council’s priorities and Te Matakitenga a Te Arawa | Te Arawa 2050 Vision and gives direction to other Council strategies such as the Long-Term Plan, 30-Year Infrastructure Strategy and Open Space Network Plan.
This is an important conversation for Rotorua and this is your opportunity to help shape the place you call home as it grows over the next 30 years. As our population continues to grow, we need to create space for more homes and businesses. We know that well-managed growth can bring opportunity and prosperity, enriching our communities.
Together we have a real opportunity to build and shape a city and community that we can all be proud of, that meets our needs now and in the future, and protects the things we all love.
Read the draft FDS consultation document
View the areas covered by the draft FDS.
** Please note: since publication of the Draft FDS consultation document minor corrections have been made to the Draft FDS Growth Strategy (pg 10) and Eastside (pg 19) maps.