Rotorua Future Development Strategy

Te Rautaki Whakawhanake i te Āpōpō o Rotorua

View the final copy of the Rotorua Future Development Strategy:

Rotorua Future Development Strategy - (PDF, 23MB)

Rotorua Future Development Strategy - (ebook)

Elected Members from Rotorua Lakes Council and Toi Moana Bay of Plenty Regional Council adopted the Rotorua Future Development Strategy (FDS) on 22 November 2023. The FDS a guide for where Rotorua will grow and develop over the next 30 years.

The FDS was developed over a period of 18 months, building on previous growth plans, population projections and local land development data. A technical evidence base was developed to inform the strategy along with direct feedback from iwi and hapū, developers, landowners, government, students and the wider community.

Public consultation opened on 1 June 2023 and hearings followed in August. Council received 109 submissions via public drop-in sessions, direct surveys and emails, workshops and hui with community groups and mana whenua.

The FDS Joint Committee, which was made up of Elected Members from Rotorua Lakes Council and Toi Moana Bay of Plenty Regional Council with an independent Chairperson, approved the FDS on 24 October, recommending its adoption by the Councils subject to the changes being made.

The next step will be to develop the Implementation Plan and its coordination. The Implementation Plan will set out key projects and their associated timing and staging to support expected short, medium and long-term growth.

Te Rautaki Whakawhanake i te Āpōpō o Rotorua

View the final copy of the Rotorua Future Development Strategy:

Rotorua Future Development Strategy - (PDF, 23MB)

Rotorua Future Development Strategy - (ebook)

Elected Members from Rotorua Lakes Council and Toi Moana Bay of Plenty Regional Council adopted the Rotorua Future Development Strategy (FDS) on 22 November 2023. The FDS a guide for where Rotorua will grow and develop over the next 30 years.

The FDS was developed over a period of 18 months, building on previous growth plans, population projections and local land development data. A technical evidence base was developed to inform the strategy along with direct feedback from iwi and hapū, developers, landowners, government, students and the wider community.

Public consultation opened on 1 June 2023 and hearings followed in August. Council received 109 submissions via public drop-in sessions, direct surveys and emails, workshops and hui with community groups and mana whenua.

The FDS Joint Committee, which was made up of Elected Members from Rotorua Lakes Council and Toi Moana Bay of Plenty Regional Council with an independent Chairperson, approved the FDS on 24 October, recommending its adoption by the Councils subject to the changes being made.

The next step will be to develop the Implementation Plan and its coordination. The Implementation Plan will set out key projects and their associated timing and staging to support expected short, medium and long-term growth.

  • Previous updates

    Update - October 2023

    We thank those of our community that participated in this process.

    The Rotorua Future Development Strategy Joint Committee has considered all submissions and heard submitters during hearings last month.

    The hearing days were recorded and the footage is available to watch on Rotorua Lakes Council’s Youtube chanel -

    Next Steps:

    1. The Joint Committee will recommend changes to the FDS based on a deliberations report prepared by the committee’s independent chair.
    2. Proposed adoption of the FDS by both Councils in November/December 2023.
    3. Following adoption, all submitters will receive formal notification of the outcome.

    Stay informed about the progress of the Future Development Strategy:


    Rotorua Lakes Council has drafted Te Tuhinga Hukihuki o te Rautaki Whakawhanake i te Āpōpō o Rotorua | the draft Future Development Strategy (FDS).

    The Strategy outlines future growth for housing and businesses and will help guide future decisions and investment for the district. It has been informed by Council’s priorities and Te Matakitenga a Te Arawa | Te Arawa 2050 Vision and gives direction to other Council strategies such as the Long-Term Plan, 30-Year Infrastructure Strategy and Open Space Network Plan.

    This is an important conversation for Rotorua and this is your opportunity to help shape the place you call home as it grows over the next 30 years. As our population continues to grow, we need to create space for more homes and businesses. We know that well-managed growth can bring opportunity and prosperity, enriching our communities.

    Together we have a real opportunity to build and shape a city and community that we can all be proud of, that meets our needs now and in the future, and protects the things we all love.

    Read the draft FDS consultation document

    Read the full draft FDS

    View the areas covered by the draft FDS.

    ** Please note: since publication of the Draft FDS consultation document minor corrections have been made to the Draft FDS Growth Strategy (pg 10) and Eastside (pg 19) maps.

  • Submission & Feedback Summary Report

    The Future Development Strategy (FDS) is the long-term strategy for the development of Rotorua that provides for the social, economic and cultural wellbeing of its people. It outlines future growth for housing and businesses and will help guide decisions about investment for the district.

    To help inform the final strategy, a draft was shared with the community between 1 June and 17 July 2023. Council received feedback by way of submissions, surveys and in person at a number of engagement events.

    The below report provides a summary of all submissions and feedback received during the public consultation period.

    Draft Rotorua Future Development Strategy Submission & Feedback Summary Report

  • FDS Hearing

    Future Development Strategy Hearing

    The hearings will be held across two days on the following dates:

    • Monday 28 August 2023- Tuesday 29 August 2023

    The Hearing Timetable is now available to view here. Please note this is a draft timetable which is subject to change.

    The hearing is being held in the Chamber, Floor 1, Rotorua Lakes Council – 1061 Haupapa Street, Rotorua, New Zealand and is also available to view on the Councils YouTube Channel.

    Hearing Timetable

    The Draft Hearing Timetable is now available to view here. Please note this is a draft timetable which is subject to change.

    The team have tried their best to accommodate to requests for specific dates and/or times. However, this hasn’t always been possible. If your allocated time as indicated above is unworkable, please email the Hearing Administrator at as soon as possible so that we can try to accommodate your request.

    Submitters have been grouped in sessions based on topics and on the amount of time that they indicated would be required to speak. We can not guarantee the order in which you will present in your session time, so please arrive at the beginning of the below indicated time.

    What to do if you are not going to attend

    If you cannot attend the hearing or no longer wish to attend, please let us know as soon as possible by emailing Your written submission will still be provided to the Hearings Panel for their consideration.

  • Hearing Directions

  • FDS focus area

    What area does the FDS cover?

    The FDS covers the whole district but focusses on the urban areas (the city including Ngongotahā).

  • Priority Development Area - Ngongotahā

    supporting image


    • Potential for 3150 new homes
    • Mix of new ‘greenfield’ development and intensification
    • Could encourage industry to move to more appropriate locations
    • New business land identified south of Ngongotahā
    • Maintain SH5 as key tourism gateway into Rotorua
    • Infrastructure upgrades required:
      - Waste, storm and drinking water infrastructure upgrades
      - Public transport improvements
      - Enhancements to pedestrian and cycling infrastructure
      - Stormwater mitigations for Ngongotahā stream
    • Opportunity to work with Waka Kotahi on State Highway improvements
    • Open space upgrades including sportsfields
    • Opportunity to work with Ministry of Education

    Click on the map to enlarge

  • Priority Development Area - Westside

    supporting image


    • Potential for 4450 new homes
    • Mix of new ‘greenfield’ development and intensification
    • New development areas already rezoned
    • Infrastructure upgrades required:

    - Public transport improvements

    - Enhancements to pedestrian and cycling infrastructure

    - Key road upgrades

    - Stormwater infrastructure improvements

    • Opportunity to work with Ministry of Education
    • Open space upgrades

    Click on the map to enlarge

  • Priority Development Area - Central

    supporting image


    • Potential for 1350 new homes
    • Focus on managed intensification
    • A range of ‘smaller’ housing types e.g. apartments, walk-ups etc.
    • Mixed residential and commercial in some areas
    • Infrastructure upgrades required

    - Key road upgrades
    - Public transport improvements
    - Enhancements to pedestrian and cycling infrastructure
    - Stormwater infrastructure improvements

    • Open space upgrades

    Click on the map to enlarge

  • Priority Development Area - Eastside

    supporting image


    • Potential for 3350 new homes
    • Mix of new ‘greenfield’ development and intensification
    • New development already underway
    • New business land identified along State Highway 30
    • Maintain access to key transport route State Highway 30
    • Infrastructure upgrades required:

    - Waste, storm and drinking water infrastructure upgrades
    - Public transport improvements
    - Enhancements to pedestrian and cycling infrastructure
    - Stormwater management

    • Open space and community facility upgrades
    • Opportunity to work with Ministry of Education

    Click on the map to enlarge

    ** Please note this map has been amended to remove proposed high density area from the bottom of Tarawera Road. This was an error on the original map which has now been corrected.