Te Oranga Nui – Rāwhiti Mai: Eastside Community Wellness Plan
Consultation has concluded
The Eastside Community Wellness Plan was adopted by the 'Strategy, Policy and Finance Committee' on Thursday 8th July 2021. It will now go to full Council for adoption on Thursday 29th July 2021.
- An update on the meeting and adoption is available here
- Final 'Eastside Community Wellness Plan' available here
Thank you to everyone that took the time to provide feedback. Some of this feedback can be viewed on line on the key moves and actions maps here
The feedback has been collated, evaluated and reviewed. The Eastside Community Wellness Plan partnership team will report back on key outcomes from the consultation and the final plan shortly.
Email us on eastside@rotorualc.nz if you have any questions
The Tatau Pounamu Collective, in partnership with Rotorua Lakes Council, have put together a plan to look after and improve the health and wellbeing of our people and place.
- The Vision of the plan is to “Collectively nurture our future”
- The Objectives are to support a child friendly environment; future developments are environmentally friendly; support a thriving community with a strong local identity; the Eastside is well connected within and to the rest of our city
- The planned Moves are around providing a safe and caring community; protecting and enhancing our environment; reinforcing a sense of place; providing a connected community; promoting the development in the right places
This Plan provides a framework for future development and growth within Eastside Rotorua, this framework reflecting the vision for the future of Eastside and the dreams and aspirations of those who live in this area to support a well-planned, connected and thriving community.
Te Tapuwae Tuatahi - Key Move 1: Whakatū hapori haumaru, hapori atawhai - Provide for a safe and caring community
To provide feedback on 'Key Move 1' is simple - we have laid out the steps below.
We are hoping to hear your ideas on the plan - things you like (keep), things you don't like (chuck) and things we have missed (create).
- Zoom into the section of the map, where you want to leave a comment.
- Click on the
symbol on the left side-bar menu and select and hold a pin (either Keep, Chuck or Create) and drag it onto the map.
- Drop your pin and provide us with some information on why you dropped your pin there
View more information on this Key Move in the draft document
The map legend below provides details on the various key moves that are already in the plan:
Te Tapuwae Tuarua - Key Move 2: Tiaki pai i te taiao hai oranga mōna - Protecting and enhancing our taiao, our natural environment
To provide feedback on 'Key Move 2' is simple - we have laid out the steps below.
We are hoping to hear your ideas on the plan - things you like (keep), things you don't like (chuck) and things we have missed (create).
- Zoom into the section of the map, where you want to leave a comment.
- Click on the
symbol on the left side-bar menu and select and hold a pin (either Keep, Chuck or Create) and drag it onto the map.
- Drop your pin and provide us with some information on why you dropped your pin there
View more information on this Key Move in the draft document
The map legend below provides details on the various key moves that are already in the plan:
Te Tapuwae Tuatoru - Key Move 3: Ko tēnei wāhi – he kāinga, he momo anō hoki - Reinforcing a sense of place and character
To provide feedback on 'Key Move 3' is simple - we have laid out the steps below.
We are hoping to hear your ideas on the plan - things you like (keep), things you don't like (chuck) and things we have missed (create).
- Zoom into the section of the map, where you want to leave a comment.
- Click on the
symbol on the left side-bar menu and select and hold a pin (either Keep, Chuck or Create) and drag it onto the map.
- Drop your pin and provide us with some information on why you dropped your pin there
View more information on this Key Move in the draft document
The map legend below provides details on the various key moves that are already in the plan:
Te Tapuwae Tuawhā - Key Move 4: Ko te whāinga, he hapori whakapiri - Providing for a connected community
To provide feedback on 'Key Move 4' is simple - we have laid out the steps below.
We are hoping to hear your ideas on the plan - things you like (keep), things you don't like (chuck) and things we have missed (create).
- Zoom into the section of the map, where you want to leave a comment.
- Click on the
symbol on the left side-bar menu and select and hold a pin (either Keep, Chuck or Create) and drag it onto the map.
- Drop your pin and provide us with some information on why you dropped your pin there
View more information on this Key Move in the draft document
The map legend below provides details on the various key moves that are already in the plan:
Te Tapuwae Tuarima - Key Move 5: Whakatupuria ai ngā wāwāhanga e arotahitia ana - Promoting development in the right locations
To provide feedback on 'Key Move 5' is simple - we have laid out the steps below.
We are hoping to hear your ideas on the plan - things you like (keep), things you don't like (chuck) and things we have missed (create).
- Zoom into the section of the map, where you want to leave a comment.
- Click on the
symbol on the left side-bar menu and select and hold a pin (either Keep, Chuck or Create) and drag it onto the map.
- Drop your pin and provide us with some information on why you dropped your pin there
View more information on this Key Move in the draft document
The map legend below provides details on the various key moves that are already in the plan: