Message from Rotorua Mayor Steve Chadwick

Decisions and proposals agreed for the 2017/18 Annual Plan follow a series of workshops which were held during the past few months. Elected members have carefully considered each aspect and after receiving your feedback will make final decisions, with a view to adopting the finalised plan at the end of June, ahead of the new financial year which starts 1 July 2017.
We want to know what you think about some key matters before making final decisions and we’ve outlined these in this discussion document.
They include:
- Funding for the proposed East Rotoiti/Rotomā sewerage scheme;
- Proposed change to waste services funding by moving to a 100% targeted rate;
- Future direction and development of Sir Howard Morrison Performing Arts Centre;
- Proposed introduction of a Museum recovery targeted rate to cover revenue shortfalls during its closure;
- Proposed removal of the targeted rate for funding the Lakes Community Board.
These are additional to, or enhancements of, core council services. This document takes you through each of these and also includes for your feedback, discussion around short-term rentals to guide future consideration. We want to know how you think Council should proceed.
You’ll be able to provide input in a number of ways and those who make formal submissions will have the opportunity to be heard by Council if they wish.
I hope you will take the opportunity to let us know what you think and on behalf of all our elected members, thank you in advance for participating in this important process as we work together towards a better future for our district and its people.
Together we can, and do, make a difference.
Tatau tatau – We together
Rotorua Mayor Steve Chadwick
Thanks for taking the time to provide your feedback, consultation on the Annual Plan 2017/18 has concluded.
For more ways to have your say visit the homepage to see our current consultations.