Annual Plan 2017/18
Thanks for taking the time to provide your feedback, consultation on the Annual Plan 2017/18 has concluded.
For more ways to have your say visit the homepage to see our current consultations.

This Annual Plan 2017/18 discussion document outlines what Council proposes to include in its annual plan for the coming financial year. We invite you to consider it and provide feedback to help guide us in our final decision-making.
The 2017/18 year is year three of our 2015-25 Long-term Plan and this document outlines some proposed changes to the Long-term Plan. These proposals that will mean changes to our financial policies and planned projects. The document also outlines some decisions made to support what needs to be done.
In the 2015-25 Long-term Plan we identified some key challenges including funding of services, balancing the budget, wastewater, rubbish and recycling services and progressing towards the district’s 2030 aspirations. These challenges remain the same and are considerations for our annual planning, requiring prudent decisions that respond to need.
The Annual Plan 2017/18 was adopted on 29 June 2017
All submissions deliberated on by Council are available here.
Thanks for taking the time to provide your feedback, consultation on the Annual Plan 2017/18 has concluded.
For more ways to have your say visit the homepage to see our current consultations.