Further Submissions (Public Notice) - Proposed Plan Change 2: Pukehāngi Heights
Proposed Plan Change 2: Pukehāngi Heights
to the Rotorua District Plan
Rotorua Lakes Council advises that:
- a Summary of the Decisions requested on the Pukehāngi Heights plan change (Summary of Submissions) along with copies of the original submissions are now available
How do I view the initial submissions received?
Copies of submissions along with a summary of submissions are available here or at:
- Customer Service, Rotorua Lakes Council - 1061 Haupapa Street, Rotorua
- Te Aka Mauri, Rotorua Library - 1127 Haupapa Street, Rotorua
Who can make a Further Submission?
The people who can make a further submissions are limited to:
- any person representing a relevant aspect of the public interest;
- any person that has an interest in the proposed plan change greater than the interest that the general public has; and
- The local authority itself.
Further submissions must be received by Council by 19 March 2020.
What can a Further Submission address?
A further submission must be limited to a matter in support of or in opposition to an initial submission.
Within 5 working days of providing the further submission to Council, you must also serve a copy on the person who made the original submission.
If you have any questions about the plan change, please contact our Customer Services Team on 07 348 4199.
Closing date for further submissions 19 March 2020.
All Further Submissions will be made available on the website from 26 March 2020.
Geoff Williams
Chief Executive
Consultation has concluded