Why is this project important? He aha te tino take o te hinonga?
Current sports grounds and facilities in Rotorua are not up to modern standards, and are insufficient to meet current demand and future needs. This is largely due to environmental factors (e.g. geothermal) and other issues associated with previous uses of these various sites (e.g. landfill, industrial uses).
As a result, Rotorua’s sports field network does not currently cope with the demand for grass based sports training and competition. Specifically, there is a need to provide an additional 70 – 80 hours of playing and training time per week. This is without considering future demand associated with growth. We need to ensure we meet current and future demand for our local sports teams and clubs.
We want to create a vibrant and attractive space that brings the community together, is accessible to all and where people have the opportunity to experience multiple sports or activities. We also need to improve the sustainability of our sporting clubs and community groups. The proposal includes the relocation of a number of a sports clubs currently located at other sports fields across the city. By sharing facilities, resources and costs, clubs can focus on delivering and growing sports and activities that benefit their members.
We also need to activate use of the stadium and improve the experience for spectators by creating a purpose built tournament venue that will attract high quality events to Rotorua while still providing for community sport.
The initial draft Masterplan also shows potential space for a residential development at the eastern end of the current golf course and the northern end of Ray Boord Park to support the creation of more housing in Rotorua.
Consultation has concluded