What is Vision 2030 - The Rotorua Way?

    Vision 2030 - The Rotorua Way is the next chapter in the plan towards 2030. The plan will set the direction and priorities for Council for the next three years to build on the progress the district has made so far. It will feed into project, infrastructure and service planning and Council’s spatial plan, annual plans and District Plan.

    Why the refresh of Rotorua 2030?

    Our Rotorua 2030 aspirations still apply but we need to be more specific about how we will achieve them and that’s what Vision 2030 -The Rotorua Way will do – it becomes the way we will achieve our long-term vision (Rotorua 2030). Rotorua 2030 established long-term goals for our district but we first focused on areas needing urgent attention - the 2016 Priorities. Having made progress, we’re now in a position to be more specific about how we will achieve our long-term goals.

    What’s happened so far?

    During workshops following the 2016 local body elections the mayor, councillors, members of the rural and community boards, as well as Te Tatau o Te Arawa members and some key stakeholders groups such as portfolio steering groups, have defined what they believe makes Rotorua special and what they believe Rotorua’s strengths and associated opportunities are.

    Common themes were compiled to come up with the basis for discussion with you, the wider community.

    What do you want from me?

    Your ideas, insight and input are important to ensure we’re on the right track.

    We want your help to define what makes Rotorua special and define the district’s strengths and associated opportunities.

    We’d like you to think about the following when considering your input:

    • Do you think we’ve got it right so far?

    • Have we captured what is truly special about our district?

    • Do you think the statements about Rotorua’s strengths accurately represent our strengths as a community and district?

    • Do you think we’re right about the opportunities we think will help us improve our strengths, make our community stronger and our district better?

    Why is Vision 2030 - The Rotorua Way and my input important?

    Identifying what’s special about Rotorua and what our strengths are will be key to our district’s ongoing progress. We also need to identify opportunities that will help us build on those strengths. Rotorua has progressed in recent years and current indicators point to continued growth and investment. The Rotorua Way will ensure Council focuses on the right work and the right projects – those that will have an impact and make a real difference to the district’s continued progress.

    What will happen to my input once I’ve submitted it?

    All input, feedback and ideas will be compiled and analysed so that Council can identify the common threads and themes to incorporate in the Vision 2030 - Rotorua Way plan.

    Stay tuned at here at our engagement hub for the outcomes of your input.