The journey so far...
Rotorua Vision 2030 established long-term goals for our district. The last three years were focussed on areas needing urgent attention – these became the 2016 Priorities
During the past few years we have seen the district progress and current indicators point to continued growth and investment. The local economy is performing above the national average, unemployment has been dropping and sectors like tourism, retail and hospitality are doing very well. It’s important we keep that momentum going.
Rotorua is also a place of interest for businesses and investors from outside the district and people looking to move to the regions. Our population passed 70,000 during 2016 which is a reversal of a decade-long decline pre-2014 so we are a growing, as well as thriving, district.
We acknowledge that with growth and progress come pressures – on infrastructure like roads, water supplies and waste water systems, on public facilities, on housing stock and accommodation and on service and hospitality sectors. These challenges need to be dealt with but many also present as opportunities.
Thanks for taking the time to provide your feedback, consultation on the Vision 2030 - The Rotorua Way has concluded.
For more ways to have your say visit the homepage to see our current consultations.