Interim Feedback
We thought it might be interesting to provide a little interim feedback.
The facts:
254 letters were posted out to the local community
The survey was also put on this website - Korero Mai
Posters were put up in an attempt to reach a bit further
All responses came from the local community
Roughly 50% via paper and 50% through the website.
We got a 38% response rate which tells us you are a very engaged community. THANK YOU
A sample of the results
On being asked how you use Tihi Road Reserve?
Over 50% of respondents enjoy looking out onto the reserve, enjoy active family time in the reserve, exercising and walking the dog
Another 50% enjoy bird watching, sending the kids out for free play
87% enjoy walking through the reserve
Use varied from the expected to collecting pine cones, flying kites through to meditation
Nearly 70% of you use the reserve at least weekly while 30% use it daily for a variety of reasons
The large majority of the respondents were long term residents with a few ‘lifers’ proudly identifying themselves. 40 to 50 years was noted by a few residents.
The benefits of the reserve were many. Most people loving green spaces, the natural environment, feeling of wilderness, kid and dog friendly. However shading of some properties was the downside and some felt the reserve needed some love and a tidy up as parts of the reserve were a bit of a mess.
Asked what would help you use the reserve more; the larger trees were identified as needing management, replanting was popular as was keeping the reserve in a natural state.
And to finish with today, nearly 50% of you were happy to be put in touch with each other with the end goal of forming a community based “ Friends of Tihi Road Reserve”. I will be in contact with those interested by email and let’s see where this goes.
Consultation has concluded