Back story to Tihi Reserve
Tihi Road Reserve is a wonderful place to explore with family. Developed as an urban woodlot many years ago, many of the trees are now nearing full size.
The reserve caters for the predominately passive recreation that occurs there. There are internal paths for pedestrians and horses (the latter rarely if ever seen), with limited emergency access for vehicles. The gully acts as a storm water drain in major wet weather events, with a debris trap at the northern end.
The reserve remains a popular off leash dog walking area and is also part of the Rotorua Walkway network. The reserve offers plenty of safe “free play” areas for children and their families, absorbing minor community development like bike jumps with ease.
With this in mind, we would love to hear what is important to you and the values you place on the reserve. You can do this by filling in a short 3 minute survey.
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