He Kaupapa Here Tāpae Whakamato Tupu - Development Contributions Policy
Consultation has concluded

On 25 August, Council adopted a Development Contributions Policy on the recommendation of the Strategy, Policy & Finance Committee which considered feedback following consultation.
The Policy will be applied from 1 December 2022.
Council will be developing guides on how the Policy applies to new developments and these will be available for use prior to the 1 December implementation date.
Some amendments have been made to the draft Policy that was consulted on. You can view these tracked changes or the change register document.
Key changes include:
- Implementation date change from 1 September 2022 to 1 December 2022
- Stormwater catchment areas have been amended
- Review of Eastern Stormwater works growth allocation
- Changes to Development Contribution charges
- HUE totals updated to reflect change to non-residential HUEs
- Reduction to interest costs for Eastern Stormwater
You can view the final Policy.
Thank you to those who made submissions during the consultation period.
We received 60 submissions on the draft Policy. 32 were in support of developers paying for growth, 12 were in support of ratepayers paying for growth, 8 were against the reintroduction of a Development Contributions Policy, and 8 didn’t specify if they were for or against the reintroduction of a Policy.
If you’d like to discuss the Policy and what this means for you, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Background information and supporting documents
- View the full report that went to the Strategy, Policy & Finance Committee on 11 August on page 29 of the committee agenda.
- View supporting documents on Council’s website.
- Watch the discussion on the Policy and recommendations at the Strategy, Policy & Finance Committee meeting.
- Watch discussion on the Policy and recommendations at the full Council meeting on 25 August.