Te Urupā o Rotorua - Te whakapanoni i te kōmakatanga hei papa rēhia 2023 | Rotorua Cemetery Reserve - Change of Reserve Classification 2023

Feedback on Te Urupā o Rotorua - Te whakapanoni i te kōmakatanga hei papa rēhia 2023 | Rotorua Cemetery Reserve - Change of Reserve Classification 2023 has closed.
We thank those of our community that participated in this process.
On 13 September at the Community and District Development Committee meeting following deliberations, elected members agreed to change the purpose for part of Rotorua Cemetery Reserve from Local Purpose (Cemetery) Reserve to Local Purpose (Community Housing) Reserve, and to grant a ground lease of 30 years to Pukeroa Ōruawhata Trust for the purpose of community housing. You can read more aboutContinue reading
Feedback on Te Urupā o Rotorua - Te whakapanoni i te kōmakatanga hei papa rēhia 2023 | Rotorua Cemetery Reserve - Change of Reserve Classification 2023 has closed.
We thank those of our community that participated in this process.
On 13 September at the Community and District Development Committee meeting following deliberations, elected members agreed to change the purpose for part of Rotorua Cemetery Reserve from Local Purpose (Cemetery) Reserve to Local Purpose (Community Housing) Reserve, and to grant a ground lease of 30 years to Pukeroa Ōruawhata Trust for the purpose of community housing. You can read more about the decision here. Thank you again for those that took part in the consultation process.
Rotorua Lakes Council is currently seeking feedback on a proposal to change the purpose of part of the Rotorua Cemetery from Local Purpose (Cemetery) Reserve to Local Purpose (Community Housing) Reserve.
Consultation on this proposal will run from 11th July 2023 until 8th August 2023.
Me pēhea te tuku i ōu kōrero | How to have your say:
- Complete an online survey form
- Write to us at Rotorua Lakes Council, 1061 Haupapa Street, Rotorua 3010.
- Email us at letstalk@rotorualc.nz
- Talk to us on Facebook @rotorualakescouncil
- Phone us on 07 348 4199 (8am - 5pm, Monday to Friday).
The Rotorua Cemetery was originally gifted to the Crown for cemetery purposes by the people of Ngāti Whakaue under the Rotorua Township (Fenton) Agreement.
Currently only the southern portion of the reserve (approx. 18 hectares) is used for cemetery purposes. The northern part of the reserve (approx. 3.5 hectares) is unsuitable for burials due to the ground conditions. Over the years this part of the reserve has been leased for commercial recreation activities. Today it is maintained as passive open space.
Due to the northern part of the reserve not being used for the purpose it was originally gifted for, it must be returned to Pukeroa Ōruawhata Trust on behalf of Ngāti Whakaue as required by the Ngāti Whakaue Gifted Reserves Protocol Agreement.
The Ngāti Whakaue Gifted Reserves Protocol Agreement (the Protocol), signed on 30 July 1996, is a mutual agreement between the Council and Pukeroa Ōruawhata Trust (POT), on behalf of Ngāti Whakaue, and includes provisions for the ongoing management and decision making for all lands gifted for reserve purposes under the Rotorua Township Agreement. In addition the Protocol requires that where a gifted reserve is not being used for the purpose for which it was originally gifted then it must be returned to POT on behalf of Ngāti Whakaue.
The Rotorua Cemetery Reserve is a 21.5 hectare site, located on the corner of Te Ngae Road and Sala Street.
The process to return the land to Ngāti Whakaue first requires the reserve status to be revoked through a community process under the Reserves Act 1977. This process is lengthy and is expected to take up to five years to complete.
The aspiration of Ngāti Whakaue is to enable housing on this piece of land. Rotorua lakes Council supports this aspiration as part of the recently signed Rotorua Housing Accord.
As an interim solution and to enable this aspiration sooner, while waiting for the land to be returned, Council is proposing to change the purpose of this part of the reserve from Local Purpose (Cemetery) Reserve to Local Purpose (Community Housing) Reserve. This would enable Council to issue a lease to Pukeroa Ōruawhata Trust for the development of housing on this land
Feedback on this proposal can be submitted below or by clicking here.
Feedback will form the deliberation report to be considered by elected members ahead of a final decision being made.
He aha ngā whare kua whakatū i tēnei wāhi, ā ko wai ka noho I taua whare? | What type of housing is being proposed for this site and who could live there?
The aspiration of Ngāti Whakaue is to enable housing on this piece of land for Whakaue descendants. The type and number of houses is yet to be determined and further detail would be confirmed during the planning stages of the potential development. Any development would still need to go through the regular consenting process to ensure there are no adverse effects on neighbours and future residents.
He pai kia whakatū whare noho pātata ki te whare tahu tūpāpaku? | Is it safe and appropriate to have housing so close to a crematorium?
The crematorium poses no adverse health effects to people and the significant area of vegetation between the crematorium and the part of the reserve proposed for housing would be retained and remain under council management.
Me whai i te whakaaetanga rawa mo tēnei kaupapa? Will a resource consent be required for the development?
This would depend on the final housing proposal.
He tata rawa tēnei wāhi ki te rori huanui, he hoihoi rawa ki a rātau e noho ana i ngā kainga nei? | Being so close to a state highway, won’t this be really noisy for residents?
Mitigating noise pollution would be considered during the design phase of the potential housing development. Waka Kotahi has also given preliminary approval for a housing development in this space.
Ka taea e te kaunihera kia tū tonu te whenua nei hei wāhi tuwhera mo te hāpori? | Can Council just retain the land as open space for the community?
Council is obligated to give back land to Ngāti Whakaue that is not being used for the specific purpose for which is was gifted for the establishment of the Rotorua township. The land was gifted for cemetery purposes but cannot be used as cemetery due to the ground conditions so should be given back to Ngāti Whakaue. The land could be retained by Council while that process was being undertaken.
He aha te rerekētanga o te whakahokinga o te whenua, tango i te tūranga papa rēhia ki te tētahi atu mo tēnei whenua. | What is the difference between returning the land/removing the current reserve status and changing the purpose of this piece of land?
Changing the purpose of the reserve means the land would stay as a reserve under the Reserves Act with Rotorua Lakes Council as the Reserve Administering Body. Removing or revoking the status of the reserve means the land is no longer held as a reserve under the Reserves Act and would become private land owned by Pukeroa Ōruawhata Trust.
Reserves Act Info
The Reserves Act 1977 is the main piece of legislation that governs the administration of public reserves. Under the Reserves Act, Council is a reserve administering body and is responsible for managing the reserves under its control. This includes ensuring the classification of each reserve is consistent with the purpose of that reserve.
Under Section 24A of the Reserves Act, Council is required to publicly notify the proposed change of reserve purpose and allow anyone claiming to be affected by the proposal an opportunity to make submissions in writing. Council is then required to consider all submissions as soon as practicable. If, having considered the submissions, Council choose to proceed with the proposal, the change of classification will be notified in the NZ Gazette.
Ngā whakaritenga | Life Cycle
Whakarewatanga | Open
Te Urupā o Rotorua - Te whakapanoni i te kōmakatanga hei papa rēhia 2023 | Rotorua Cemetery Reserve - Change of Reserve Classification 2023 has finished this stage11th July 2023
Kua whakarewa te kaupapa nei ki te hapori kia tuku i o rātau whakaaro.
This consultation is open for contributions.
Whakakapinga | Closed for submissions
Te Urupā o Rotorua - Te whakapanoni i te kōmakatanga hei papa rēhia 2023 | Rotorua Cemetery Reserve - Change of Reserve Classification 2023 has finished this stage8th August 2023
Kua whakakapi te wahanga ki te tuku kōrero ā tuhi nei .
The consultation period has closed for this project.
Te arotake | Under Review
Te Urupā o Rotorua - Te whakapanoni i te kōmakatanga hei papa rēhia 2023 | Rotorua Cemetery Reserve - Change of Reserve Classification 2023 has finished this stageKua kapi i te wāhanga tuku whakaaro, ā kei te whiriwhiri i ngā kaupapa kua puta mai i ngā tuku korero. Kāre e roa ka whakahoki korero mai te ohu nāna tēnei kaupapa.
Contributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review. The project team will report back on key outcomes.
Te ripoata whakamutunga | Deliberation Report
Te Urupā o Rotorua - Te whakapanoni i te kōmakatanga hei papa rēhia 2023 | Rotorua Cemetery Reserve - Change of Reserve Classification 2023 has finished this stageKei konei ngā whakataunga whakamutunga kua puta mai i te wāhanga tuku kōrero. Mei kore ake, he whakarāpopototanga o ngā kōrero katoa kua whiwhi, me ētahi taunaki hei whai whakaaro e ngā manumataarae o te Kaunihera.
The final outcomes of the consultation are documented in the report. This may include a summary of all contributions collected as well as recommendations for future action for the consideration by the elected members of Council.
Whakataunga whakamutunga | Council decision
Te Urupā o Rotorua - Te whakapanoni i te kōmakatanga hei papa rēhia 2023 | Rotorua Cemetery Reserve - Change of Reserve Classification 2023 is currently at this stageKa whakatau te Kaunihera i te kaupapa whakamutunga.
Council make a final decision about this project.
- What type of housing is being proposed for this site and who could live there?
- Will a resource consent be required for the development?
- Is it safe and appropriate to have housing so close to a crematorium?
- Being so close to a state highway, won’t this be really noisy for residents?
- Can Council just retain the land as open space for the community?
- What is the difference between returning the land/removing the current reserve status and changing the purpose of this piece of land?
- If the reserve isn’t suitable for cemetery purposes why is it suitable for housing?
- Will there be green space retained for public use?