Option B
RLC’s recommended option: Adopting an RLC Prostitution Bylaw including:
- Adding the definition of ‘sensitive site(s)’ to ensure consistency across RLC regulatory mechanisms related to sensitive sites
- Adding ‘small owner-operated brothel’ (SOOB) to the definitions
- Altering the definition of ‘distance’ to ensure consistency in definitions across RLC policies
- Prohibiting the establishment or operation of a brothel anywhere in the district outside the permitted area (as defined in the attached map)
- Adding a clause that allows SOOBs to be located outside of the permitted area for brothels. This clarifies the intention that SOOBs should be treated like any other home-based business
- Prohibiting brothels (including SOOBS) from being located within 100m of a sensitive site (e.g. education facilities, marae or churches) and within 100m of another brothel.
- Prohibiting brothels from being at ground level within the permitted area ensuring that sexually challenging displays or activities do not occur in glazed shop fronts at the ground floor level. It also ensures shop fronts are active within the CBD within usual business hours
- Replacing the need for a ‘consent’ to the need for a ‘permit’ for the establishment of a brothel within the permitted area
- Removing the requirement for a (permit) application fee
- Regulation over the content and establishment of signage relating to these brothels and commercial sex services.
- Adding of the following words in bold to section 3.5 (b) to reflect advances in technology - offensive or sexually explicit images (including video) or pictures on signage
- Including that District Plan rules must also be met before signage will be approved by RLC
- Removing Section 4 titled ‘Soliciting and Touting’ and adding the following clause (3.9) to Section 3 -“No person may distribute written material advertising Commercial Sex Premises or Commercial Sexual Services, or verbally advertise a Commercial Sex Premises, in a Public Place within the Rotorua District”
- Adding a section entitled ‘Nuisance’ that allows the regulation of noise, disturbance and challenges to amenity and good order
- Including fine not exceeding $20,000 for breaching the Bylaw
Consultation has concluded