Construction and potential noise
Prior to construction Rotorua Lakes Council must gain resource consent to carry out the works. This is expected to be complete by mid-2022. Following that process, the proposed works will take approximately 6-8 months in total to complete.
During the construction period, contractors will be using earthmoving equipment such as excavators, scrapers and compaction rollers. This will likely generate noise and vibrations that neighbouring residents may hear when in and around their homes, depending on the location of the works at any given period.
The contractor undertaking the works will adhere to an approved Construction Noise Management Plan (CNMP). The CNMP will outline the requirements to manage construction noise, such as:
- Works only taking place between 7:30 am and 6 pm, Monday to Friday, and 7:30 am and 1 pm Saturday, and outside of public holidays;
- Complying with noise limits as agreed with Council;
- Using acoustic screening, where practicable, to help reduce noise levels;
- Monitoring noise levels throughout the works to check compliance with the noise limits. Vibration monitoring may also take place during ground compaction works;
- Ongoing communication to keep you informed; and
- Contact person always available should you have any concerns or queries during the works

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