2021-2031 Tirohanga Mahere Pae Tawhiti - Long Term Plan preview: Learn about the key priorities this Long-Term Plan is based on.
2021 – 2031 Mahere Pae Tawhiti - Long-Term Plan
Since September 2020, Elected Members have attended a series of twelve workshops and made decisions on what to include in the 2021 – 2031 Long-Term Plan, they have also considered rates affordability and what other measures of our Financial Strategy should be.
They have resolved that our kaupapa has not, and is not, changing – to unlock Rotorua’s potential as a great place to live, work, play and invest.
Our plan, which will be detailed in our consultation document, is to spend the next few years leading the work that needs to be undertaken to address our confronting issues; working towards economic recovery resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic and long-term economic development critical to addressing many of the challenges faced by our communities.
This LTP has been developed based on Council’s key priorities, and details the actions Council is proposing to take in these areas to confront some of Rotorua’s most pressing issues.
The key priorities are:
1. He Papakāinga, He Hapori Taurikura - Housing and Thriving Communities
Rotorua faces a shortage of houses; we have many barriers to land development and our houses do not meet the needs of our people.
To confront these challenges, we propose to build new homes, review covenants and design rules and create available sections. Additionally we propose to develop apartment buildings in the inner city and deliver on locality plans for the Eastside, Westside, Ngongotahā, and Inner City. Council will take a lead role in facilitating neighbourhood safety projects and will partner with iwi, developers and central Government to help enable and deliver infrastructure and community projects that support the development of thriving communities.
These actions will be driven by the He Papakāinga, He Hapori Taurikura Te Poupou Rautaki - Rotorua Homes and Thriving Communities Strategic Framework, which was adopted by Council last year.
During April, within the ‘Housing and Thriving Communities’ conversation, we will also be asking you what level of investment you would like to see put into the Rotorua Aquatic Centre and we will provide you with three options to consider.
Your feedback will help guide the mahi for housing and thriving communities.
2. Whanake Ōhanga - Economic Development
Immediately after the COVID-19 lock down, Rotorua experienced the third largest economic contraction in gross domestic product (GDP) in the country. Virtually overnight revenue within the tourism sector dropped by 40%, jobs disappeared and small businesses struggled to stay afloat.
This compounded our existing challenges like limited employment choices, multiple employment sectors paying the minimum wage, high unemployment rates, undeveloped land and a lack of appropriate infrastructure needed for commercial and industrial growth.
Our consultation document outlines a range of actions to help Rotorua address the short-term needs for economic recovery in a world disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the long-term economic development vision, which is critical to addressing the systemic challenges faced by our community.
These actions will support the Draft Economic Development Strategy that Council approved last year.
3. Whakahaumaru Hāpori - Community Safety
Council is concerned about an increase in anti-social and criminal behaviour, affecting residents' and visitors’ experiences in Rotorua.
There are a number of issues contributing to the increased concern about community safety currently:
- Anti-social behaviour - is negatively affecting our sense of safety and security in public spaces and our neighbourhoods.
- High crime statistics relative to other districts, with a particular impact on the more vulnerable members of the community.
- A culture of drinking, violence and an increased prevalence of methamphetamine in our community.
- Clusters of motels used as emergency and transitional housing, associated with an increase in anti-social behaviour and crime in the surrounding areas.
- Gang culture attracting our young people and the associated fighting, intimidation and drugs.
The LTP consultation document outlines a range of actions to help confront these challenges and make Rotorua a safe place for everyone. We will also be asking you how much you would like to see Council invest in community safety.
4. Hurihanga Āhuarangi - Climate Change
Our existing infrastructure does not have the strength and resilience to meet the major challenges of climate change for our future communities.
Our infrastructure is particularly vulnerable to the anticipated effects of climate change, such as increased rainfall, drought and rising temperature.
Our consultation document outlines a range of actions that Council is proposing to help our district combat climate change. These actions align with the Rotorua Climate Action Plan Council approved earlier this year.
5. Hangaroto - Infrastructure
Council leads and is responsible for the provision of key services that support the daily life of the people of Rotorua. Our infrastructure must be safe, reliable and in a stable condition to meet current and future demand, whilst meeting the expectations of our district.
To do this, we need to understand and plan for how infrastructure will need to change over time - to remain fit for purpose. Change is required to adjust to new technologies, environmental considerations (such as carbon neutrality), new regulatory standards or changing community expectations and emerging patterns of use.
Our 30-year Infrastructure Strategy outlines the investment programmes required to ensure we are meeting all our communities’ wellbeing obligations in a planned and affordable way. This investment will also help to stimulate our local economy as part of Council’s Rotorua Economic Recovery Plan: Build Back Better.
We have identified seven strategic district infrastructure challenges that need to be at the forefront of long-term infrastructure planning and decision-making. These have been outlined in the LTP consultation document.
We will also be seeking your feedback on the Government’s proposed Three Waters Reform, which signals potential major changes ahead to the way the three waters are managed and delivered across the country.
He aha ō whakaaro? What do you think?
Your chance to have a say on the 2021-2031 Long-Term Plan will be throughout April 2021.
Between 30 March and 30 April there will be an opportunity for both verbal and written feedback on each of these proposals. There will also be opportunities to speak with Elected Members and give verbal feedback during April. We’ll keep you informed about when these sessions will be.
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We look forward to working together, to make Rotorua a place for everyone.
Tatau tatau – we together.
Consultation has concluded