Reviving our facilities - Ensuring our facilities are modern, safe and well used facilities that meet our needs and our lifestyle
Environmental sustainability -Enhancing the environment that defines Rotorua; a unique volcanic landscape, characterised by our lakes, rivers, mountains and geothermal features. Our focus for this long term plan in terms of environment sustainability is lake water quality and waste management
Growing our district - Increasing the resilience and vibrancy of our communities and neighbourhoods by ensuring our infrastructure is in the best condition it can be to meet the present and future needs of growth
Keeping the foot on the pedal of progress - To plan for future progress by developing bold visions that continues to enhance our special district, that position us for future investment based upon our strengths – environment, lifestyle, culture, opportunities
Funding delivery and action (the financial strategy) - Delivering a financial picture that over the next ten years outlines how we will seek to achieve Vision 2030 and balances affordability with providing our services