Housing workshop - Mana Whenua

Consultation has concluded

Rotorua is growing and our community urgently needs more homes and more housing options. Council is acting now to respond to that demand.

To address the growing demand, Council is preparing a Housing Plan Change with a focus on enabling more housing in the urban areas of Rotorua.

To support this work, Council is also developing a Future Development Strategy to set out the long term picture of where growth should occur, in what form and what infrastructure will be needed to support that growth.

As further support, to protect the city and the lifestyle we all love, a Design Guide will also be developed to encourage sustainable and efficient growth, while protecting our environment and cultural values.

Council acknowledges the importance of partnering with mana whenua to ensure the values and principles of Te Arawa underpin all conversations about growth, housing, wellbeing and the environment.


Development within Ōhinemutu, Whakarewarewa and Ngāpuna:

  1. In relation to housing, what development outcomes would you like to see within Ōhinemutu, Whakarewarewa and Ngāpuna?
  2. Are the heights and densities in the Medium Density Residential Standards appropriate in Ōhinemutu, Whakarewarewa and Ngāpuna?
  3. Are there cultural values associated with Ōhinemutu, Whakarewarewa and Ngāpuna that need to be protected? Given this are the heights and densities set out in the Medium Density Residential Standards appropriate within these areas?
  4. Natural hazards – both geothermal activity and in some areas flooding - will naturally constrain development. Given this, is it appropriate to enable greater development potential through the Medium Density Residential Standards or leave the zoning as it is?
  5. The MDRS will enable additional residential development. We need to consider what the potential impacts of this could be on Marae within urban areas. What are the potential issues – both from a general and a cultural perspective – of additional height and density on marae?

    Note, currently the District Plan limits the heights of buildings in a defined area around marae to 5m. Buildings over this height require resource consent. Council is looking to retain this rule. Is this supported? Are there any other issues beyond height that should be managed to protect cultural values?

High Density:

  1. Where are the opportunities for intensification or greater height within Rotorua?
  2. What in your view are appropriate heights and housing types within the Rotorua context?
  3. Which areas would terrace housing or apartments be most suited?


  1. Are you considering papakāinga development? If so, where?
  2. Are there areas where there should be more controls on Papakāinga?
  3. What are the greatest constraints for you in progressing Papakāinga development?
  4. Would a ‘how to’ guide be useful or do you have sufficient information and knowledge to progress?

Rotorua is growing and our community urgently needs more homes and more housing options. Council is acting now to respond to that demand.

To address the growing demand, Council is preparing a Housing Plan Change with a focus on enabling more housing in the urban areas of Rotorua.

To support this work, Council is also developing a Future Development Strategy to set out the long term picture of where growth should occur, in what form and what infrastructure will be needed to support that growth.

As further support, to protect the city and the lifestyle we all love, a Design Guide will also be developed to encourage sustainable and efficient growth, while protecting our environment and cultural values.

Council acknowledges the importance of partnering with mana whenua to ensure the values and principles of Te Arawa underpin all conversations about growth, housing, wellbeing and the environment.


Development within Ōhinemutu, Whakarewarewa and Ngāpuna:

  1. In relation to housing, what development outcomes would you like to see within Ōhinemutu, Whakarewarewa and Ngāpuna?
  2. Are the heights and densities in the Medium Density Residential Standards appropriate in Ōhinemutu, Whakarewarewa and Ngāpuna?
  3. Are there cultural values associated with Ōhinemutu, Whakarewarewa and Ngāpuna that need to be protected? Given this are the heights and densities set out in the Medium Density Residential Standards appropriate within these areas?
  4. Natural hazards – both geothermal activity and in some areas flooding - will naturally constrain development. Given this, is it appropriate to enable greater development potential through the Medium Density Residential Standards or leave the zoning as it is?
  5. The MDRS will enable additional residential development. We need to consider what the potential impacts of this could be on Marae within urban areas. What are the potential issues – both from a general and a cultural perspective – of additional height and density on marae?

    Note, currently the District Plan limits the heights of buildings in a defined area around marae to 5m. Buildings over this height require resource consent. Council is looking to retain this rule. Is this supported? Are there any other issues beyond height that should be managed to protect cultural values?

High Density:

  1. Where are the opportunities for intensification or greater height within Rotorua?
  2. What in your view are appropriate heights and housing types within the Rotorua context?
  3. Which areas would terrace housing or apartments be most suited?


  1. Are you considering papakāinga development? If so, where?
  2. Are there areas where there should be more controls on Papakāinga?
  3. What are the greatest constraints for you in progressing Papakāinga development?
  4. Would a ‘how to’ guide be useful or do you have sufficient information and knowledge to progress?