Hamurana Reserve Development - implementing the development plan
Consultation has concluded

As part of the reserve development project, Council recently carried out a trial allowing overnight parking for responsible campers at a small section of Hamurana Reserve.
With summer approaching, we would like to understand what impact that trial had on the reserve and the wider community.
- Provide feedback on the Overnight Parking for Responsible Campers trial
- View more information about the trial and the results
The survey feedback period is now closed. Rotorua Lakes Council will analyse the survey feedback and will report back to the community in due course.
In 2013 the Hamurana and Awahou Residents and Ratepayers Association (HARRA) made a submission to Council's 2013/2014 Annual Plan requesting Council prepare a plan for the future development of the Hamurana Lakefront reserve.
In September 2017 Council led a consultation project in which the public were invited to give feedback on the draft development plan and which of the proposed works were most important to them and what should have been prioritised first.
With the support of Ngati Rangiwewehi, HARRA and the Rotorua Lakes Community Board Council are now working towards developing the reserve based on priorities fed back from the community.
View the October community update
Development work is currently underway and is expected to be completely finished closer to summer all things going well.