What are these 'Focus Groups'?
Focus groups are a way to pre-engage with groups within the community. This information from the focus groups will support in gaining the understanding and information needed to define the purpose of a rating review.
Details: If you register and are selected to be on a focus group:
- A commitment of attending just one focus group
- A focus group session is likely to take approx 2 hours
- You will be given a small koha as a way of reciprocity for you times & input
- Venue will be a central location for the participants
- Times and dates to be confirmed
The focus groups will cover a range of key community sectors and existing rating categories.
- Urban residential - Wider urban area of Rotorua city
- Lakes Communities& Rural Villages - Villages outside of Rotorua City e.g. Okareka, Reporoa, Mamaku, Rotoma
- Rural Lifestyle Block - Property outside of Rotorua City no larger than 2 hectares
- Farming - Larger than 2 hectares of rural land often used for farming purposes
- Industrial - Property that is zoned for industrial use
- Accommodation (Motel, hotel, B&B etc.) - Commercial property used for accomodation purposes
- Commercial - Commercial property used for business/commercial purposes
- Iwi/Hapu/Multiple owned Maori Land
Consultation has concluded