What are these 'Focus Groups'?

    Focus groups are a way to pre-engage with groups within the community. This information from the focus groups will support in gaining the understanding and information needed to define the purpose of a rating review.

    Details: If you register and are selected to be on a focus group:

    • A commitment of attending just one focus group
    • A focus group session is likely to take approx 2 hours
    • You will be given a small koha as a way of reciprocity for you times & input
    • Venue will be a central location for the participants
    • Times and dates to be confirmed

    The focus groups will cover a range of key community sectors and existing rating categories. 

    • Urban residential - Wider urban area of Rotorua city
    • Lakes Communities& Rural Villages - Villages outside of Rotorua City e.g. Okareka, Reporoa, Mamaku, Rotoma
    • Rural Lifestyle Block - Property outside of Rotorua City no larger than 2 hectares
    • Farming - Larger than 2 hectares of rural land often used for farming purposes
    • Industrial - Property that is zoned for industrial use
    • Accommodation (Motel, hotel, B&B etc.) - Commercial property used for accomodation purposes
    • Commercial - Commercial property used for business/commercial purposes
    • Iwi/Hapu/Multiple owned Maori Land

    Within the focus groups the existing rating framework will be explored and the legislation/rules around rating demystified. The focus groups will then share feedback and experiences on how Rotorua's rates are allocated across the district.

    We are currently working on being able to deliver the focus groups online in a webinar environment for out of district ratepayers etc. We will confirm this shortly and offer the option where appropriate.

    Why are you using 'Focus Groups'?

    We are using these as pre engagement prior to an proposal on a Rates Review.

    The purpose is to better inform our Elected Member and Council of any problems with the current rates framework.

    Focus groups are being used as qualitative research to gain a better depth, clarity and a greater understanding of the issues/problems that possibly sit around the Rotorua rates framework.

    In order for a wide range of opinions to be provided in the focus groups we are encouraging individuals to register.

    While it is crucial that we have a sampling technique that will provide an accurate representation of our community into the focus group, e.g. sex, age, location of where you live/pay rates, types of rates due to location etc.  Hence, this is a part of the registration process and opening the opportunity to as wider a range of our community as possible.

    I don't have email/internet - how do I register?

    Please call the Customer Centre on 07 348 4199 or come in person and we can register you - easy!