Extension of timeframe to hold a hearing
Hearing Date: Monday 14 September – Thursday 17 September 2020
Location: Committee Room 2, Rotorua Lakes Council
The hearing for Plan Change 2: Pukehāngi Heights has been confirmed for Monday 14 September 2020. At this stage, it is anticipated that the hearing will extend into Thursday 17 September 2020. The hearing will be held in Committee Room 2, 1st Floor, Rotorua Lakes Council.
Rotorua Lakes Council have been granted an extension of timeframes for the Pukehāngi Heights Plan Change (PC2) hearing from the Minister of the Environment. The Minister has approved a 3-month extension.
Purpose of the Extension
The extension of timeframes was requested to allow adequate time to undertake complex stormwater modelling of the receiving environment. This stormwater modelling is important to understand the potential impacts of development in the plan change area.
Minister’s Decision
More information and the letter from the Minister for the Environment can be found here.
What has caused the delay?
Rotorua Lakes Council and Bay of Plenty Regional Council have been working together to ensure there is an appropriate level of information to understand the downstream effects of residential development at the Pukehāngi site.
Consultation has concluded