Project Background

21 May 2019

Following a significant rain event on 29 April 2018, the Ngongotahā Stream overtopped its banks and flooded parts of the Ngongotahā township near Rotorua. The Rotorua Lakes Council and Bay of Plenty Regional Council have worked together since then, alongside other agencies, to assist the community to recover from this event. The councils commissioned an independent review of the flood event to understand the cause of the flooding and how similar flood impacts may be avoided in the future. This report was presented to the councils’ elected members on 10 December 2018.

To facilitate the implementation of the 24 recommendations of the Independent Review of the Ngongotahā Flood Event report, four senior managers of the two councils will jointly lead a series of actions over coming months. They have appointed an independent project management expert , to ensure the key work streams are identified, evaluated, sequenced and stay on task. That progress with each workstream is well communicated.

A key recommendation of the four senior managers was to form a Community Reference Group who can assist the councils to collaborate and effectively connect with the affected community and iwi, and to ultimately ensure that any structural works option chosen, are balanced, practical, affordable and deliver the risk reduction that the local people need.

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